Chapter 29

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Yoo hoooUpdate Time!!!!

I have my fingers crossed.

Hope to God you love it.

Please Please Share if you love the story and if I left anything, let me know.

Thank you!


I looked at her retreating back as she walked out of there for good. At least she was free and it gave me hope that I was doing the right thing for her.

"No, No, No," I heard Serena chant in my arms with her hands over her ears and eyes shut. I could hear the distress in her voice. She was losing it even after I had given her pills more than the regular dosage.

"Cathy!" I yelled calling for the event manager making everyone's attention glued on me and Serena.

"Cathy," I called again and she came barrelling through an angry crowd. Their anger was justified even their distaste and disgust was too. But they didn't know the truth and it was better they didn't because if they did, I would be so close to losing everything.

"Sir, I'm sorr-,"

"I don't care," I snapped. At one hand I was happy that at least Serilda had freedom and she was no longer in the clutches of the person that could hurt her but on the other hand, I was angry not at her but everyone else because nothing was going as easy, I had expected it to be. I knew it well that Serilda might do something like this, to stop the wedding but I hadn't known to what levels she might go. The sad reality is that I had broken her already battered heart. It was never my intention to let her come to know about it. I had hoped that this whole wedding would be over and at least I would be not the one to break her heart but I was wrong. The anger of betrayal I had seen in her eyes made my skin crawl. I hated the way she looked at me. It wasn't her who I had betrayed, I had betrayed those feelings to that were between us. For her maybe they were no longer there and what they were would have been turned to be nothing but lies. Lies which I had been making for last few years which were both destructive and lifesaver. The clutching of my hand made me pull out of my thoughts. It was Serena. She was getting worse and I needed to help her. Cathy stood in front of me waiting for me to say something.

"I want you to get everyone out of here right now," I said in a calm tone. "Push them into the reception hall and serve them with drinks and snacks until Serena and I reach there. I don't care how you entertain them there if anyone makes any ruckus make them leave. If anyone wants to leave let them go. I don't care if they go. There is an old gazebo just in the boundaries of this resort. Ask the manager for the directions and prepare it for the wedding. You have half an hour for it," She looked at me with widened eyes.

"Sir but-," I interrupted her. "I really don't care what you have to say, Cathy. All I know is this wedding is on and my bride-to-be is in great distress. I need to take care of her and make sure that this wedding happens. Put on more people on work and get done with it," my words came out harsh but this was the only way to get things done.

"Serena," I called her but she wasn't listening. The word 'no' was on her lips like it was a prayer. Tuning towards her I looked at her. She was lost making everything more dangerous for her and everyone.

"Serena," caressing her cheek I called her again. "Look at me, baby." Her amber eyes shot open and she looked at me. They were the stark opposite of Serilda's and for once I was thankful for that because they had never given me false hope of her being her sister.

"It's all going to be all right, we are alright," she looks me in the eyes with tears rolling down her cheeks. It hurts seeing her like this but I can't ever do anything for her than this. She can't have my love but even the pretense of having my love was enough of her. The illusion that she had in her mind was dangerous. I hear Cathy and her staff making people move out while people muttered their distaste for Serena. The hatred that had been harbored in their heart for Serilda now it was being spewed put on her just because the table had turned. Now in their eyes, the victim became the villain and vice a versa. They didn't know that they both were victims.

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