Chapter 1

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The card taunted me, laughed at me. Torn into two pieces and crumbled was how I found it. Tapping it up I picked it up reading every word again and again. It felt too heavy to hold but was nothing just paper.

Anger surged inside of me seeing it.

How couldn't it have?

I had read the groom and bride's name a million times. I just couldn't stop myself; it was the only thing on the card that had grabbed my attention.

Did someone love her? Was he really in love with her? Did she really love him? Was it genuine love or just next prey? These thoughts were killing me no they were drowning me, pulling me to the edge of insanity. I needed to know about it, see him, see her, them together. I had to, just to believe that this really was happening. Opening up Facebook after a long time it bombarded me with thousands of notifications. It's a surprise tha it was still active. There was so much to catch up on but I wasn't here for catching up I was here for Nathaniel Dupont. He was a known person all around Las Vegas for his work, the best psychologist in the state. High-profile people came from faraway places just to have an hour with him. It was an expensive hour, but I had money. I needed more than an hour, in his office and outside it.

Typing up his name in the search engine I looked him up. The first account gained my attention too easily or should I say too quickly. It was a photo of him and her, standing in an intimate pose, looking into each other eyes. It felt like I was seeing something private, something that wasn't meant for me to look upon but I couldn't stop myself. They were together because of me, because of my sacrifice of life.

Opening up the account the love of theirs bombarded me. Every word, every post was theirs together, she was omnipresent everywhere. It felt like it wasn't his facebook but hers.

The wedding card clear and proud on his wall making me realise that it was really happening. Post by post I learned every part of their relationship, took every part in, imprinted all of it inside of me. I was prying into their life, taking it all in like it was mine. There was a clear picture of his in one post alone, one without her, and I looked at it. No, I stared at it, gawked at it memorized every inch of his face. Blue eyes, chiseled firm jaw, thin lips, dirty blonde hairs, olive tanned skin, everything.

"This time I will do what you accused me off." The words came out sharp and revengeful.

A post just posted seconds ago about a game he was going to attend after two days popped up. I never understood the reason behind why people posted every aspect of their life online. However why should it matter, it gave me a perfect opportunity? Baseball game the easiest and less suspicious place to meet him.

There was no way I was going to let this wedding happen. Nope.

The ringing of the doorbell made me jump.

Instantly I logged out and closed my laptop. It wasn't like anyone cared for what I did, no one even asked. I had no one who would ask things from me despite that; I liked to keep my picture clean and pristine. I was to be evil and cunning by many though I had done nothing wrong. However, if anyone came to know of my plan, they will ruin it and I don't want that happening. This was the first plan I was ever making, and I didn't want it ruined.

I went to see who it was because this house got no visitors but Kelly, the housekeeper beat me to it. She didn't like me and she had made that evidently clear. Yet I enjoyed her company because it kept me entertained. Made me feel alive rather than being a distant memory or a ghost.

The brown hair at the door caught my attention. My eyes set on him, taking him in remembering him comparing him since the last I have seen him.

He talked to Kelly as they were long-lost friends which they weren't. She was just around two years in this house while it had been more than that for me in his life.

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