Chapter 25

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I stand under the pitiful gazes of everyone present in the restaurant. Tears didn't stop. I could never understand what I had done in the first place to Serena to make her react that way. My first thought had always been that she just wanted the best of all the worlds and that is why she painted me black. However, I had never realised that she hadn't ruined my life only once but again and again until I became this revenge-seeking person. Erik hated me and I had always thought that he had the right. Not in million years, I have thought that my sister had been the mastermind behind all this. In reality Erik was just a puppet. Everything that I had suffered had come straight from the hands of my own blood, my own sister, Serena. She had been my idol once, someone who I had once in my life looked up to but she had always hated me, loathed me to the limit that she had wished for my death without any reason known to me. I hadn't stolen Erik Away. I had never wanted him. She had pushed me into this situation and hated me for it.

"Serilda," Chyna calls with her hand on my arm making me flinch away. I look at her and all I could think was she could have saved me from all of this but she didn't because she cared too much about her brother, loved him too much. Was there anyone who cared about me? Three years I have endured the humiliation pain and everything and that too because my sister had made sure it happened to me. I had hated Serena but now I just couldn't even look at her. She was worse than an evil spirit. She was a monster who ate her own. I felt betrayal from her but somehow I had accepted that fromher but hearing her words I didn't feel so hurt. It was like my heart expected that from her so long. It wouldn't have come to shock to me even she had been trying to stand with a knife in hand trying to kill me. She had emotied me from the inside. There wasn't much left that she hadn't give me. She had already pushed me in the well once, destroyed me enough and made me suffer. However, I felt content in the fact that the world knew it well that what kind of woman she was and it wasn't surely a good one.

"Serilda, calm down. Remember what you are here for," Chyna whispers in my ear and I reel back from my drifting thoughts. She was right I had to remember what I was here for. It hurt not only badly, burning me from the inside. My eyes turned to my mothers and I couldn't see anything there. Neither wasn't there remorse nor guilt all there was nothing. Her eyes were empty like every other time. My dearest father on the other side glared at me as if this was my fault. What a lovely parents I had, didn't I? The gossipers looked at me with pity in their eyes. At least someone pitied me even if it wasn't my parents. Nathaniel walked into the restaurant while holding Serena hand and all my eyes could see were there joined hands. How could he still be with her? Why? Serena didn't look a damn guilty but stood with him with her chin up high. Erik stood beside her like he was guarding her which was lame if you ask me. The devil didn't need anyone to guard her.

"Whatever just happened wasn't meant to happen. It's personal and in between family. Every family has its own differences that shouldn't be out in the public. It would be really nice if we all forget what happened and didn't talk about it," saying that he walked towards his parents who had walked towards my own. My sister was embraced by mother as soon as she was in walking distance. Nothing changed for her. How could mother love such a daughter? How could her wrong be so right?

Chyna rather than staying with me walked up to her family. Nathaniel eyes met mine but I stood with my chin high, shoulders back. They all stood together as a strong family front whose enemy was me. Walking towards them my eyes were settled on Nathaniel. He was right about one thing this was between family because I was family. His eyes closed one as I came closer to them and I could see in them the uncertainty, the unhappiness and disappointment. It was a bitter pill to swallow to see those things in his eyes but it wasn't enough to stop me. I don't think anything would be. What my dearest sister and husband has said had made me realise that there wasn't any space for forgiveness or letting it go. Her words fuelled a fire in me that fed my desire for revenge and it was enough for me to destroy her without any guilt and remorse. I stopped right in front of my dearest sister who looked at me with hated eyes while looking wounded as a people. I turned around and looked at Erik his eyes were set on me like of everyone else. Turning around her I focused solely on my sister.

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