Chapter 43

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"It took me two years,"

"Two years of feeding her those drugs and medications and a bit of brainwashing. Her doctor helped me with this. Money gets your everywhere, Nathaniel,"

"But Erik never got to saw that side because I controlled it. Then she got engaged and I find this perfect opportunity just by mistake. I used it,"

"I made Serena run away. She was always going to be on that island with your help or without it. She would have said the same lie because its always me she falls backs on. You might think that you have an upper hand Nathaniel but you don't7

, you will never have it. You can be her fucking guardian but you won't be able to know anything until I want it,"

"Be ready for it, Nathaniel, Serena is going to be really sick and I would make sure of it. Try to save as much as you can but you will lose and so will Serena and Serilda both even it's not their war,"

"Oh, and I will hit when you won't even expect it,"

"This has got to be enough?" I looked at my dad as he listened to the recording clearly. He just looked at me for more than a minute and gave out a sigh before sitting straight in his chair.

"What else have you got?" he asked leaning on the table of his study making my heart thrum against my chest a little faster.

"CCTV footage of her coming and leaving," I knew she would come and I had been prepared for it but the best I could do was recording the audio. It was a shot in the dark. She might not have come but she did.

"Anything else?" his question made me raise my eyes.

"That's all I have," pressing my lips I just wished that Amelia could be convicted and done with.

"It isn't going to enough," he delivered the bad news as he rose from his seat.

"I have enough proof here dad," I rose from my seat as he moved around his study to have a glass of whiskey. My voice desperate for is to be enough. Maybe somewhere I was tired of it too. Tired of everything that has been going for so long. I was drowning in the mess that has been around me. Every day was harder than before. I worked too hard. Tried to live. Drown the worry I had. I tried to find out the truth but the decision of getting involved in this mess was starting to drown me, suffocate me. Sometimes it made me wonder why hadn't I just divorced Serena and started with my own life. The knowledge that it wasn't me that had been freeing making everything else feel like a shackle.

Serilda was happy in her own life. Erik was free to survive. Serena was getting well but each day trying to think about what Amelia could do was concerning me. Serilda had been a girl whom I wanted to love just from first look, Serena was just a puzzle I was trying to solve and in between saving them both and the guilt I had held on to for so long I had given up everything. I was desperate to get Amelia behind bars, to get some justice so I could start living.

"You aren't dealing with a normal person, Nathaniel. She is a cunning woman and that is how I'm looking at it," he tells me as he holds a glass of whiskey for me.

"The police can do something about this. This is something solid through her own lips. Her own voice," I just held onto the glass as my father sipped through his.

"And what would the police try her for?" he asks me as he sits back.

"This isn't as easy as you think, boy. This woman, Amelia, has been doing this for so many years and she has been going unnoticed. Even her own daughter couldn't point it on her but it is only you. Even her husband never thought there was something wrong until you made her realize how Serilda has been wronged with. How do you think that this would be enough for this woman," he asks me ruthlessly? He wasn't a father in front of me but a former policeman as I stayed silent trying to think what to do. With moving my hands in my hair in desperation I downed the whiskey in one go.

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