Chapter 28

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A pounding on my door startled me awake. My hand reached for the phone and looked at the time and it was four in the morning. It couldn't be Erik, he had a key but maybe he had lost it. Getting off the bed, picking up my robe I wore it stepping towards the door where the pounding continued.

"Coming," I yelled for Erik to hear as my hand was on the door. I opened it but it wasn't Erik on the door. It was Chyna. She looked and, still dressed in the same clothes when I saw her earlier, there were tear stains on her face with her eyes swollen and red. She looked lost.

"I ruined it," she whispered looking past me holding a bag big enough to carry a very expensive gown.

"I can't let him marry her," words barely louder than a whisper. "So, I ruined it," she said with a smile and tears in her eyes. I looked in the bag and a tint of white peeking from the bag explained everything.

"Chyna," she smiled like a lost broken person as she looked at me.

"She can't him marry now. She can't wear it. I ruined it. She wanted me to keep it with me until the wedding," her lips pulled up forcing a smile as her word break in between. "I had this opportunity so I took it. No wedding gown, no wedding," she cried while trying to laugh.

"Come inside, Chyna," I held her arm and guided her inside the room. She was close to losing herself, I knew the feeling. She was on the edge of craziness. I made her sit on the couch taking away the bag and placing it on the table. Giving her a glass of water to hold I looked at the bag. I opened it because I wanted to know what Chyna had done. I wasn't happy seeing this, I should have been but not because this placed Chyna to be the one to whom blame would be placed on. I opened the bag and it was a horrific sight. It was no more white but red. It felt like she had dipped it into it. The gown was no longer in one piece. It was cut to pieces, torn away, everything was a mess and I couldn't even understand which part was which.

"What have you done, Chyna?" I asked as she nursed the glass of water.

"No gown, no wedding," she chanted in a voice barely audible as she rocked herself gently. She wasn't herself and stressed to a limit that I might lose her. She needed to sleep and calm down as soon as she could. Walking to my makeup bag I took out the bottle of sleeping in there. I took out two and made her swallow them. Guiding her onto the bed I tucked her in the covers and sat there beside her waiting for her to sleep as I stroked her hair. She held onto my other hand like a small child. She was far gone and lost in the insanity of whatever that has been happening here. Maybe this was karma for what she did to me but I didn't like it because she was suffering for the sins of her and his. She was out like a light within minutes. Pulling out my hand from her grasp I walked back to the couch. Sitting there I assessed the damage done to the the dress. No one could have even imagined this was a wedding dress. Chyna had done more than a number on it. Moving around the room I picked up my phone from the bed and walked out on the balcony to make a call. The ring kept on going but no one picked it up. The call went unanswered but I didn't stop calling until it was answered. Three calls later it was.

"Hello," I could here the sleep in his voice.

"Come to my room," I ordered him.


"I think you heard me the first time. It's about your sister or I wouldn't have even called you. I meant what I said earlier, Nathaniel," I hung up on him without any remorse. Ten minutes later he was on my door with a soft knock. I opened the door but turned away as quick as I could because I didn't want to see his face.

"Come in," Walking inside the room he stopped just near the door while I walked to the table where the dress was.

"Chyna did this. It looks like what she was aiming for was not happening so she took it in her own hands to stop the wedding," I spoke with my eyes glued to the dress as he walked forward to look at the masterpiece his sister had created.

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