Chapter 10: Habits

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(Tried to make a longer chapter for you all. I do have a question. What do you think will happen to Ace when the bakers start having issues?)

"Ready Liv?" I asked coming in her room.

I saw her on the floor, a pill in her hand. She was so entranced I dont think she heard me. I walked over and slowly took the pill from her hand.

She jumped and turned to me. Her eyes were glazed over and it was obvious she was having flashbacks. I sat next to her and put an arm around her.

"I didnt take any," she told me.

"I know. It's too close to your one year," I told her.

"You remembered?" She asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"That's what a best friend is for. Remembering the important things," I told her.

She pulled me into a hug and started to cry,"my family. They forgot."

"I'm so sorry liv. Have you talked to them?" I asked her.

She pulled away wiping her eyes. She shook her head no. I grabbed her hand and ran my thumb over it in a comforting manner. I stayed with her for a few more minutes.

"I need to talk to them," she sighed.

I checked my phone and noticed I was ten minutes late to meet Spencer.

"Alright. Call me if you need me," I told her.

I ran to the sports bar and saw a very angry Spencer.

"I am so sorry, I got caught up and didnt see the time," I apologized immediately.

"Who were you with?" He asked me.


"I said who were you with?" He asked, sounding angrier.

"I-i," I was stuttering over my words.

I had never seen Spencer be this angry with me. Or in general really.

"Was it jordan, jj, or chris. Maybe cam?" He demanded.

"You think I was with a guy?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

"You always are," he sneered.

"For your information I was with liv. Her one year sobriety is coming up and I was talking to her about it," I told him.

His eyes went from angry to apologetic.

"I'm sorry Ace," he sighed.

"I have to go Spence. Maybe I'll hang out with one of the guys," I sneered before walking out.

I walked back into the baker house to see jordan stunned on the couch.

"What's wrong?"

"Livs one year sobriety is coming up. I forgot," he sighed.

"How could you forget?" I didnt ask it judgemental, just curious.

"You were with me when we found liv passed out. She had od and neither of us knew what to do. We were screaming for help worried that it was going to be too late," he told me.

"I fumbled for my phone. Hands shaking to much to dial 911. I was crying and screaming for help. I was never as relieved to see your pare ts as I was then," I told him remembering.

"We all ran upstairs and put her under a cold shower. I was standing under the water, staring down at her crying. It was my fault," he sighed

"How was it your fault?"

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