Answers to yalls questions

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Why do your people walk over you?

My whole life if I ever stood up for myself against my dad it got worse. Eventually I quit trying and prayed it would just stop.

Why do you let people feel bad?

It doesnt matter how many times you hear something, it can still hurt. Ps. Your my favorite too

If you could change one thing about you what would it be?

I want to be skinny. I'd kill for it.


When you gonna make Ace your girl?

I'm hoping soon. I'm waiting for the right moment.

If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?

My attachment issues. I dont let people in alot. I'm standoffish. I'm afraid that since both of my parents left, everyone else will too.


Why were you so rude to Ace?

I was upset. I just found out she was staying with some random guy and I assumed she was cheating on. Wouldnt you?

Why dont you like Ace and Darnell together?

I screwed up. Ace is the best girl you could ever hope for and I let her go. I'm jealous of him.

If you could change on thing about you what would it be?

My anger issues. I let them get the best of me and lash out at those I love most.


Why are you mean to Ace even though you know everything shes been through?

I dont mean for it too happen. But my temper flares up, especially if I'm drunk, and I take it out on her. It's an asshole thing to do. I guess I have more of my dad in me the I want to believe...

Why are you being stupid?

I dont know. Ever since I started the steroids, dont tell ace, I havent been myself.


If you could live in beverly or crenshaw where would you?

Honestly. Crenshaw.


If you could live in Crenshaw or Beverly where would you.

Beverly. I love my life here.


Go and make Ace you best friend already!

I want to. Trust me. But I feel guilty. I can barely look her in the eyes.

What is one thing you would change about youself?

Everything. I screw everything up.


If you could live in Beverly or Crenshaw where would you live?

Beverly. I want a better shot at a better future.


I hope you end up dead in a ditch

Fuck you too.


What does ace mean to you?

Ace means the world to me, and is largely based on me. I am overweight and am constantly critiqued for it. I was often told boys wouldnt like me, and therefore settled for the first boy I found when I shouldn't have. Like ace I've had amazing friends help me through my insecurities, but they are still there.

Ace is everything to me becuase she is realistic. She isnt a badass that doesnt let things bother her, shes human. I feel like there arent enough OCs like that.

That's what Ace is to me.

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