Chapter 18: downward spiral

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(A/N. Question of the day. Should I do I charecter Q/A? Also, this chapter is darker. I have a song for this chapter. Its hold on by chord overstreet. Love yall)

I was over at Diego's hanging out. By hanging out I mean blaring blackbear and smoking. I noticed my phone ringing multiple times but I didnt give a fuck.

The past week has been a blur. I know me and deigo have hung out alot. I'm ninety eight percent we've fucked, but I don't care. I havent been to school in the week either.

Me and diego have been to three out of the last five band rehearsals. Its the only thing we really do anymore. I've pushed everyone else in my life away.

I dont answer calls or text. I dont see anyone. I dont reach out to anyone. I dont fucking care anymore.

"God. Just answer your damn phone!" Diego said as it went off again.

I looked at the caller ID just to see my brothers name. I walked out of the room as Short Kings anthem played.

"Yes?" I slurred into the phone.

"Its been a week. You quit answering everyone's calls. No one has seen you. Where are you?"

"None ya buisness," I told him.

"Are you drunk?"

"High actually."

"Why are you high?" He demanded.

"Becuase I like it. I can see why liv did this," I rambled.

"Liv almost died doing this," he tried to reason.

"Ash, I dont give a damn if I die," I told him.

"Where are you?"

"I'm with a friend."

"Is darnell there?"

"I don't talk to him."

"Why? I thought you liked him," he said.

"I hurt him like I hurt everyone. I have to go, I think another blunt is ready. Bye asher," I said.

"Please. Tell me where you are," he begged but i hung up on him.

"Everything okay."

"Yeah. My brother thinks he can control," I said lighting another blunt and bringing it too my lips.

"You look so sexy," he flirted lightly.

I came over and pressed a kiss to my lips and I was to high to give a damn.

"You good with this? "

And my fucked up brain said yes.

Time skip - next day

I woke up in with a headache in Diego's arms. Naked. I started to freak out, waking diego.

"Want another hit, babe?" He asked me.

"Yeah. Get one ready. And remember-"

"Never mention this. Your here to het high and not worry," he quoted.

I checked my phone and saw a bunch of missed calls from everyone. Everyone except Corey which I found a little odd. I answered the one from seth.

"I'm fine. Tell everyone to quit call," I said and downed a few ibuprofen to help with the hangover headache.

"You've disappeared. Spencer lost his dad and you were no where to be seen."

I hung up on him. What does mean that Spencer's dad died. I dialed asher after lighting the blunt that diego handed me.

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