Chapter 7: Birthdays and competition

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(I will post pictures of her presents at the end of the chapter. Question. Other then Spencer, who is your favorite person Ace interacts with?)

"Happy Birthday to you!" Jordan came in singing very badly.

"Happy birthday to you!" He continued.

"Happy birthday my favorite Ace. Happy birthday to you!" He finished.

"God that's how to wake up with a headache," I teased.

"Liv said you staying for a while," he said sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Yeah. Just till I figure out what to do," I admitted sitting up.

"Well here. It wont help yo with that but, but I know you like presents," jordan said handing my a small wrapped gift.

I opened it up to see a locket. When I opened to the locket it was me with my favorite Beverly boys.

"Thank you J!" I said hugging him.

"Get ready for you band competition. We have a small party planned after," he laughed.

"Really small or your moms version if brunch?" I asked getting up.

"Really small," he laughed.

I got up and did my hair. After that I put on the uniform for today. So we have three different competitions planned. Our last one, if we make, will be the Disney villain one.

Jordan drove me to school and I got on the band bus. I sat next to seth and prepared for the long trip. My back was hurting and so was my arm. I just had to get though it.

When we arrived me warmed up and played threw it a few times. Our band was playing fifth. I was honestly nervous as hell. If we dont get first, second, or third we go home. There are ten bands.

"Its time to go," sent said before running off.

I went to stand but sat back down in pain. My back was hurting too much to move.

"Come on, Ace!" Seth said, shaking with nervousness.

I forced myself up. I tried to hide the pain on my face as we jogged over. I was thinking every cuss word in the book. How was I about to preform.

We marched out, me drumming as we did. It hurt like hell. Every movement hurt like hell, but I told myself it be fine. And it will.

Seth made eye contact with me and offered a smile. Then our preformance began.

(Start at 1 minute mark)
I managed to get through the preformance. When we made it out of sight I started limping slightly. You never realize how much movement your back has till you cant move it.

"Are you okay?" Seth asked me.

I nodded my head. I would be. I probably pulled a muscle. That's all.

"I'm so proud of you," asher said coming up to me and hugging me.

I winced in pain but excepted the embrace.

"You came," I said happily.

"Of course he did," JJ said coming up behind him,"and that was fucking amazing."

"Thank you," I said smiling and looking down.

"Happy birthday," JJ said hugging me aswell.

"You guys killed it. I cant believe you can remember all that!" Spencer said coming over,"you amaze me."

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