Chapter 17: should i stay or should i go

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(A/N. After this chapter I work be following the show basically at all for a few chapters. Who do you guys think Ace should be with
And no, Asher is not option, we are not in Alabama)

"Kids, we need to talk," corey said sitting us down.

My doctor said I'm healing surprisingly fast, so at three weeks I'm out of a wheelchair and doing like physio.

"What's wrong?" Darnell asked.

"Spencer isnt too happy about darnell being here. I'm nor choosing, but hes giving me an alternatum. Darnell or spencer," he explained.

"Hes trying to get you to send him back to Nevada?" I asked infuriated.

"I'm not picking between them," corey told me.

"I'll be back," I said standing up, my hands shaking.

"Klutz, light physio does not mean start a fist fight with a football player," Darnell told me.

I didnt even pay attention and I was out the door. Spencer was sitting with coop at slausons when I stormed up to him.

"How fucking dare you. Just becuase you have daddy issues dont mean you get to take them out on others," I growled.

"Your one to talk about daddy issues," Spencer snapped.

"I dont take mine out on others. It's not darnells fault ya dad was raising another kid. Have you ever thought about what hes going home to?" I asked him.

"What's he going home to. A loving mother, nice house?" Spencer growled.

"An empty apartment and no parent," I said to him.

"Well that isnt my issue," he said standing and getting in my face.

"I look at you right now, and I have no clue who you are anymore Spencer," I said lowly.

"I could say the same thing Ace."

"Alroght. Break it up," cam said pushing in between us.

"Stay out of this," Spencer growled.

"I said, break it up. I will mess your shit up Beverly," he threatened and put a protective arm around me.

"Looks like you have plenty of boys now," Spencer spat before pushing by me.

"Are you okay?" Cam asked.

"Yeah. I just need a break. If darnell asks I'm beverly."

I hoped on three buses and showed up at the baker residence. Jordan was outside when I walked up.

"Its been to long!" He said running up to hug me.

"I need a Crenshaw break. Really just a people break," I laughed.

"Come inside," he said smiling.

I walked in and we sat on the couch catching up.

"Jordan, you are going to get a STD," I laughed as he talked about the girls he was with.

"No. I use a condom," he laughed.

"Manwhore," I continued to laugh.

"Man, I missed you slightly judgmental humor around here," he said.

"Oh, so I learned I'm really good at timpani," I told him.

"Do you have to be good at everything?" He asked shocked.

"Yes. Yes i do," I told him.

We continued to talk till my phone vibrated.

Pretty Boy
Come home. We need to talk.

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