Chapter 9: The Izuku Protection Squad!!!

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Word Count: 1054

Izuku's POV

Izuku was back at the dorms, watching people work and chat. He suddenly felt a throb that went across his whole body. He winced, catching the attention of several people.

"Izu? Are you okay?" Kaminari said worriedly.

"I-I don't feel good." Izuku's ears start to ring and his vision blurs. "I-I can't see or hear that well."

"" A distant voice says.

Izuku's head is pounding, his breath quickens, and tears start falling out of his eyes. Nonono. It's too soon for this to happen yet. I thought there would be at least another day. The last dosage was higher than usual...

Izuku's panic increases, not helping at all. The headache just gets worse and the ringing noise gets louder. Black spots fill his vision.

Third Person POV

"Iida! Hurry and bring Izu to Recovery Girl!" Kaminari panics when Izuku goes limp.

Iida nods and picks up Izuku. He then dashes out of the dorms, leaving a trail of smoke in his wake.

"Should we go too?" Todoroki asks, already putting on his shoes.

"We are going now." Mina says.

"Iida's already there though..." Kirishima begins, but is cut off by Uraraka.

"Izuku protection squad, let's go!" Uraraka dashes out of the dorms, following Iida and a few others who had already went.

Kirishima stands there, dumbfounded. "That was a thing?"

"Yeah, there's a group chat with all the students and teachers." Tokoyami says and pulls out his phone, which was blowing up with notifications.

"Oh. I had my notifications off." Kirishima pulls out his phone. Notifications turn into calls. "Oh jeez."

"WHY ARE THERE SO MANY NOTIFICATIONS, OH MY GOD!" Bakugou bursts out from the elevators.

"Hey Bakubro! I guess you didn't know about the Izuku protection squad either." Kirishima scrolls through the chat, which had messages from almost all the students and all the teachers.

Bakugou just stared at Kirishima with a what the heck face.

"We don't need to go right? I mean, everyone else is already there." Sato says from the couch.

"Let's chill here. Updates every second anyways." Kirishima points at his phone. "Oh my gosh the notifications have reached a thousand."

"...good idea. Let's stay here."

Aizawa's POV

Aizawa was at his house, trying to take a nap. Hizashi was making dinner. Shinsou was doing his homework. All of a sudden, two phones start blowing up with notifications.

"Hey dads, what's going on. It's like an atomic bomb of messages got dropped." Shinsou walks in.

"Shouldn't you be doing your homework." Aizawa grumbles, pulling out his phone.

"I'm done." Shinsou's shrugs. "Care to tell me what's going on?"

Hizashi bursts out from the kitchen. "Shouta, the Izuku protection squad has called for me. I will be abandoning dinner." Hizashi then left and ran towards Yuuei.

"Izuku protection squad? Can I join?" Shinsou grins and pulls out his phone.

Aizawa sighs and adds Shinsou to he group chat. What is wrong with my family's and my students. Not to mention my colleagues as well.

Now Shinsou's phone also blared with messages.

"According to the messages, Izuku passed out suddenly and..." Aizawa scrolled up for several minutes.

"I am going to Yuuei. See ya dad." Shinsou mutes his notifications and puts on his shoes. "Try not to fall asleep when you're cooking again. Last time you left the stove on and fell asleep, you almost burned the house down." He then dashes out the door after Hizashi.

Aizawa sighed and looked at his phone again. Discovering he had a few missed calls from Recovery Girl, he called her back.

"Aizawa. It's almost six pm, Iida shows up with an unconscious Izuku, and there's a horde of your students standing outside the infirmary demanding to see Izuku." Recovery Girl says, annoyed. "Please come and tell them to return to the dorms."

"Is Izuku okay though?" Aizawa sighs and closes the stove. He then starts sprinting to Yuuei.

"I still need to do a check on him. I won't be able to focus if your students are demanding to see Izuku outside my office." Recovery Girl tsked and hangs up.

When Aizawa arrives at the scene, he sees many anxious students and staff standing outside the infirmary.

"Problem children, please return to the dorms. Izuku will get better faster if you weren't here to distract Recovery Girl." Aizawa says gruffly.

"Sir, we didn't mean to be distracting. We are all just worried about Izuku." Iida stands up from a chair and chops his arms up and down.

"Alright, enough. I'll tell you about Izuku's condition tomorrow." Aizawa uses his capture weapon to push the students towards the doors.

Aizawa knocks on the doors after everyone finally leaves. His phone is still being overflowed by notifications.

"How's Izuku?" Aizawa asks when Recovery Girl opens the door.

Recovery Girl had a concerned look on her face. "Nezu and I need to talk with you."

Aizawa's fatherly instincts kick in. "What's wrong?" He asks as he closes the infirmary door.

"I did a scan on his body and blood...and found a drug in his system." Recovery Girl leads Aizawa to a grey bed with black curtains surrounding it instead of the usual white. Recovery Girl sits down beside Nezu who was watching Izuku intently.

"What drug is this?" Aizawa also seats himself beside Izuku.

"It's a drug that makes your bone marrow produce more stem cells. However, it make the stem cells change into primarily red blood cells. The excess blood is slowing his bloodstream which can be fatal." Recovery Girl says slowly. "I've already injected something that will slow down the production of stem cells, but I need to remove some of his blood. As his legal guardian, you need to agree with this procedure."

Aizawa was baffled. What happened to Izuku before?

"Of course. Please make sure he's okay." Aizawa's fists clenched. "Do you know why someone did this?"

"Well, thinking logically, they need blood cells from Izuku. He doesn't like needles or hospitals which makes sense because of all the needles they stuck in him." Nezu muttered. "How dare people do this to a mere child."

Izuku was pretty closed off, his past unknown. Aizawa made a promise to himself, that he would find whoever did this and stop them from doing anything harmful ever again.

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