Chapter 1: Escape

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Izuku huffed as he ran through the green forest outside the lab. There is so much color around. He thought to himself. This must be green, like my eyes and hair. He blinked, and found a bush to hide in as he heard voices. Feet quickly thundered by.

"...we must get #259, he's one of the last ones..." a voice was saying as they went by. Izuku rubbed his wrist, where black numbers were written, 259. It pained him that he was the 259th one here.

At least I'm one of the last ones. He thought as he continued running towards the harbor. Tears filled his eyes as he thought about Cece. Cece and the other children...Izuku willed the tears to go away. He can't get caught now that he was this far. The older children were depending on him to get them out after he got help. That horrible white lab...why were the scientists keeping them away from all this amazing color?

The white ceiling, floor, and walls, all smooth...white bookshelves with white books, the only other color was the small black text and black pictures in the books, and the other children's eyes and hair...Cece's blue eyes staring into his, the other children's faces looking at him with pleading eyes...

Izuku's tears threatened to spill again as he thought of the memory. We're the others being punished because of me? He thought as he neared the ocean. He stopped at the breathtaking view. Calm waves lapped at the rocks, the beautiful clear ocean shimmering from the setting sun, a landform in the distance...Why was this beautiful sight being taken away from them?

Izuku shook his head. He needed to get onto the boat and go to the place called Yuuei and get help from powerful and special people called heros. What if they turn him in? His heartbeat spiked at the thought. It's best if I hide anything important and my coming from the lab first until I can fully trust them.

Izuku slipped onto the boat unnoticed and avoided all the cameras. After examining blueprints of the boat hundreds of times, he knew where they all were now. His small and thin body easily slipping through small door cracks.

After weaving through multiple doors and tiptoeing down a few stairs, Izuku found his destination, the cargo room. He took out a small bag made from the pages of the white books. He didnt want to rip up the only entertainment the other children had, but they insisted. The escape would be harder without this.

Izuku found a barrel apples? And placed as many as he could in the small delicate bag. What will happen if this rips? He thought. The bag was made from paper after all.

Izuku took a bite of the red apple. His mouth exploded with a—sweet taste? The food back at the lab was always stale and tasteless...

Cece grabbed his plate and scraped off all of the mushy white stuff down the chute...Cece's eyes filled with determination as she told everyone the white mushy stuff turned out to be drugged...the hours that they starved, only eating the bread from the small sandwiches and the stale water...

Izuku blinked as the memory rushed at him. When I go back, I'll bring them all apples. He vowed as he finished the delicious apple, seeds and all, not letting a single thing go to waste.

Izuku carefully navigated around the crates and found a decent sized box to hide in. Lifting the lid, he found more apples. Why would people need so many apples? He thought as he dumped out the apples from the paper bag. The weight wasn't pleasant and he could refill it later. Izuku froze as he heard voices come nearer.

"...259 must be here, it's the only escape route. I knew we shouldn't have the books there. Those children are too smart for their own good." A deep voice said.

"What else would they do? Sit there and do nothing?" A different voice sighed. "I do agree that the books are making them too smart. There should only be a few."

The voices got louder. Izuku was shaking. Is this where I will be caught? No! They can't take me back! I only just got out! Tears started streaming down his face. No, no, no. Izuku just barely manages to stop the tears. He put his hand over his mouth to stop any sound from coming out, but there was a small noise that escaped anyways.

The footsteps stopped.

"What was that." The deep voice man said. Izuku's heart was pounding inside his chest. If it wasn't for the waves, he was sure the men would have heard his pounding heart. His stomach hurt and he wanted to throw up.

"It was probably a rat. Let's go, he's not here." The other voice said. "Or maybe you're imagining things."

Izuku let out a huge sigh of relief when the footsteps weren't audible anymore. I was almost found. Izuku thought, shaking. Almost.

Izuku settled down and waited for his heartbeat to return to normal. He ate another apple to calm his stomach. Now all he needed to do was wait for a few hours to wait for this crate to be delivered to its destination, then hop out and find Yuuei.
Word Count: 899

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