Chapter 25: A Day of Hurt

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Word Count: 778

Uraraka's POV

After the eye bomb of light, there was a huge rumble, shaking the ground so violently Uraraka could feel it even when she was floating. She was about to be sick again. She checked her phone battery. Crap. Nearly dead. Tokoyami's had already died a bit ago. But she forgot about her nausea as soon as she saw the text Todoroki sent. Help. Her screen then blinked out.

"Tokoyami," Uraraka said shakily. "Todoroki just said 'help'. We need to go to him." She looked over to the six children and Kaminari. They all had scared expressions on their faces and looked like they were on the verge of tears. Kaminari seemed to be shaken out of 'whey' mode as well.

"Are you sure Uraraka? You seem very sick," Tokoyami was comforting Dark Shadow.

"I'm okay, we can walk." Uraraka took several deep breaths, calming the roiling in her stomach a tiny bit. "Besides, Dark Shadow has been working hard today too, you must also be tired."

Tokoyami nodded and turned to the children. "We need to go check out something kids. Kaminari, can you take care of them and make sure they're safe?"

Kaminari made a sloppy salute and smiled. "Leave it to me!"

Running slowly to conserve energy, Tokoyami and Uraraka ran towards the rumbling, determined to save Todoroki and Izuku.

Todoroki's POV

Todoroki gingerly held Izuku and winced when Izuku accidentally brushed against his broken arm. But the waves of rock and metal didn't stop, and Todoroki saw white dots in front of his eyes when a rock spike jutted against his broken arm. Thankfully he dodged being speared in the stomach again at least, he thought bitterly to himself.

What made him worried though, was Izuku. He was hyperventilating and shaking so badly, his arms clutched to his side.

"Izuku?" Todoroki said weakly. He knew his strength would sap out soon and it would be the end of them. When his fingers shook and no ice formed, Todoroki ran around a corner and clutched Izuku to his chest. "I'm so sorry, I promised a lot of things, but I guess I can't keep them..."

The last thing he saw before succumbing into darkness was the glittering eyes of Overhaul, filling with acid.

Izuku's POV

Needles, needles, needles, needles, needles, needles, needles, needles, needles, needles, needles, needles, needles, needles, needles, needles, needles, needles, needles, needles, needles, needles, needles, needles, needles, needles, needles, needles, needles, needles, needles, needles, needles, needles, needles, needles, needles, needles, needles, needles, needles, needles, needles, needles, needles, more please. It hurts.

Mina's POV

The silence of the destroyed hallway was chilling compared to the commotion before Shinsou forced the bird mask man to stop with his quirk. Mina was glad she had thrown acid into his eyes, but immediately hated herself for not using a stronger acid when she saw Todoroki and Izuku, lying in the middle of a pool of blood.

She almost did, but Shinsou convinced her not to, they were heroes after all, they arrested and contained, not murder.

"Mina? Shinsou? We came as soon as we could-" Uraraka and Tokoyami froze as soon as they saw Todoroki.

"Mina," Shinsou said sharply, breaking the tension filled silence. "Cut it out, we need to do something! Hurry! You can move the fastest out of all of us! You have to get Mr. Aizawa and Principal Nezu!" He shook her for good measure. Uraraka and Tokoyami moved too, trying to staunch the blood.

Nodding silently, Mina started sliding off towards the entrance (found out because Todoroki shared a trick, but phone has died).

I should have gone faster, if I had, Todoroki wouldn't be hurt...

Mina nearly crashed into Aizawa, shaking her out of her guilt.

"Mina," Aizawa said urgently. "Where is everyone? Are they safe?"

At the word 'safe', Mina couldn't hold it in anymore. She burst into tears. "I-It was m-my fault! I-If I had been a little bit faster, a little bit stronger, T-Todoroki wouldn't be hurt!" She heaved in breath after breath, her chest felt like it could explode.

"Mina, no. It was my fault." Aizawa said quietly when Mina had quieted down a little. "I'm sorry. We never anticipated that you children would need to fight. It was my fault."

"If we're playing the blame game now, I should also blame myself." Nezu sighed. "You would think someone with an IQ of nearly 300 could have foreseen this. For that, I also apologize."

Mina hiccuped. "We have to hurry," She rubbed her eyes and sniffed loudly. "Follow me." She sped off back towards the others not looking to even check if Aizawa and Nezu could keep up. Todoroki needs to live, he needs to...
I am not dead.

Thank you for continuous support even though I have literally been inactive for so long.

I've gotten so much more busy, but I finally found some time to continue writing, so I'm pleased to say there will be updates (although probably slow, sorry), I will finish this book, and I hope you forgive me for being inactive 🙏

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