Chapter 21: Operation G.A.T.K.B.A.I. (a.k.a. Plan B) in Action!

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Word count: 592

Izuku's POV

I'm floating?

Izuku only remembered the rush of terror and then two colorful blobs. One of them was red. He felt confused after the thought. I've never seen red. How did I know it was red?

He tried flexing his fingers and toes but found out he couldn't even feel his limbs. He desperately tried to open his eyes, as the feeling of emptiness was terrifyingly familiar.

And then it hit him head on.

Thousands of images flooded into his head as if a floodgate had been opened somewhere. Shouchan. Kami-kun. Ocha-san. Mina-chan.

Momo-san. Jiro-san. Kacchan. Kiri-chan. Toko-chan.

With each name also came a face and memories. The yummy boba, spicy pepper, sweet milk, everything. Even the apples that he ate in the beginning.

I said I would give apples to everyone when I got them out. Izuku would have smiled if he could. Eri would like them. So would Cece.

I want to go back.

So he did.

Todoroki's POV

"Alright, ready?" Mina called into the room.

"Yup!" Kaminari shot her a thumbs up.

"Kaminari, remember to not overdo it. We can't have you in 'whey' mode." Todoroki added.

"I know. Operation G.A.T-"

"Plan B."

"-plan B is in action!"

Mina shut the door and waited until the lights flickered off. She opened the door and let Todoroki ran past her with a small flame in hand to find Kaminari.

I thought I said to not overdo it. Todoroki sighed to himself as he grabbed Kaminari, who was in 'whey' mode, and pushed him along to the door. "Uraraka, also float Kaminari if you can. He overdid it." Uraraka's cheeks were puffed out as she nodded back at him. She looked a little sick in the flickering light but floated Kaminari anyways.

All the others besides Tokoyami and Uraraka had left, each responsible for a small group of children. Since Todoroki was only one and wasn't too familiar with children, they all agreed to let him be responsible for Izuku because they got along best.

Todoroki made the flame in his hand a little bigger. He detested using his fire because of past experiences, but it was for his friends and Izuku.

"Alright, remember the plan," Todoroki said to Uraraka and Tokoyami. Uraraka had floated their group of children (and Kaminari) while Dark Shadow let them all hold onto him while Tokoyami ran. "Good luck," Todoroki added quietly.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw movement. Izuku. Todoroki realized with a start that Izuku was finally waking up.

"Shouchan?" Izuku said weakly, his eyes squinted against the strong firelight. Todoroki dimmed his flames.

"Izu?" Todoroki murmured. Izuku hurled himself at Todoroki, startling him so much that his flames flickered.

"I-I'm sorry for leaving a-and making everyone so worried." Izuku sobbed, his tears staining Todoroki's shirt. "I-I even forgot about you and everyone else! How could I have done such a thing!"

"It's not your fault, it's whoever decided kidnapping children was a good idea for...whatever the reason is." Todoroki stumbled over his words. He awkwardly hugged Izuku back, not knowing what else he was supposed to do.

"I-I need to tell you what I'm here for. Before I fall asleep. I feel so tired." Izuku's eyes drooped even though he had been passed out for the past hour.

"Tell me on the way out," Todoroki gently picked up Izuku and replaced his flame with a child-friendly phone flashlight instead. "We're getting out of here."
Hello wonderful readers.

I'm sorry for being dead, for, like, the entire month 😭. Life got in the way and I had tests in school every week up until now.

My next few weeks will be busy with finals and tests so the next chapter might not be out until another two weeks :(

I'm sorry for my absence, but in two weeks, I will start posting more chapters because I have more time.

See you guys again in two weeks!

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