Taming a Dog

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Alastor knew too well this was some kind of dog beast. He was never fond of them since he died in a dog related incident.
He'll make an example of it.

"Mimzy, Rosie. Get Tsuna to safety." He said as he went to confront the creature, that was currently tearing up a building.

"Be careful Alastor!" Mimzy shouted as she and Rosie took Tsuna away, but Tsuna still looked worried.

Alastor first used his voodoo magic to tie up the beast in tentacles, but the canine tore them up in a mad frenzy. 

Alastor used his radiowave lengths to try and deafen the creature, but it countered with a loud howl.

Then to Alastor's surprise, it was fast, and slammed him into a wall, nearly knocking him out. But he got all bloody.

The girls nearby were shocked.

"It overpowered him so quickly! How?!" Mimzy said, afraid for Alastor.

Then Kero popped from Tsuna's bag.
"Tsuna, could it be?"
"Yeah, I felt it from the creature too!" Tsuna said as she took out a white cloak to cover her face.

"Tsuna, what-?!" Rosie said as Tsuna took off and a key around her neck became a staff. (Clear Card Staff)

However, one wing became completely black now. Shaking it off, Tsuna took off to help Alastor ignoring Rosie and Mimzy's calls.

Taking out three cards, she activated their powers.

"Gravitation! Siege! Snooze! Heed the call to my command! Release!"

The three beings activated from their cards and got to work.

Before the black dog could stomp on Alastor, it suddenly started to float in mid-air as it flailed around. Then it looked like it was enveloped in a box and then a light dust went around it, making it sleep.

Alastor was confused until he saw Tsuna.

"Yes! Now!
Force without a master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams and be one with my power!" Tsuna said as she pointed her staff to the sleeping being.


Then a light crystalline flame burst and enveloped the creature. The crystal shattered, leaving...a card?

Tsuna reached out as the other three cards returned to normal as she looked at the new card.

It was silvery grey, with dark boarders. On one side was a magic circle with a flame in the center of a star. Along with the basic elements of the sky, along with the sun and moon.

The other side had the dog creature etched into it with a name.

"Rampage?" Tsuna said.

Then Rosie and Mimzy ran over, asking if Alastor was alright, and what did Tsuna do to trap the creature.

Then the group heard demons wondering what happened as things went back to normal, as if it never happened.

"Let's get out of here." Alastor said as the group made tracks.
Plz comment!
I plan to include new cards, the Dusk Cards for Tsuna to help get back home.

How many more should she catch?
I also need suggestions on cards to represent the 7 sins. I already have Wrath with Rampage.


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