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As the day passed, Tsuna noticed Angel was sneaking out of the hotel, looking worried. Being as curious and concerned as she was, she decided to follow him.

She ended up going to a seedy part of the city. It looked like Angel was in trouble with some shark demons, talking about money.

One shark was going to attack, but Tsuna summoned Winter the Freeze and the shark demons were all frozen in ice, and their eyes moved in confusion.

"Wha?! Tsuna! What are you doing here?" Angel asked as he gathered the money back.

"I saw you snuck out, and I got worried. I just wanted to make sure you're alright." Tsuna said.

Then the two of them heard a limo pull up. A bright hot pink one.

Angel tensed up and before he knew it, he and Tsuna were in the limo.

Tsuna could smell the scent of perfume, cigarettes, and who knows what else in the car, and she didn't like it.

Then she saw 4 other people in the car. Two of them were women, a succubus and a cat demon who looked to be making out with each other.

It was the other two, that made her tense.

One looked like a robotic demon because of his head being a giant TV, with a frightening face. She guessed he was an android demon or something.

Then there was the other one sitting across from Angel and Tsuna.

He looked to be an insect demon like angel, but she couldn't tell which kind. He had 4 arms, a pair of antenna, one had lost its fur, and he wore a hot pink coat with fluffy fur and a fancy hat. He also had a pair of heart-shaped sunglasses, which partly hid his eyes. His teeth were also pink, except for a gold tooth.

As the pimp began to talk, the TV demon took notice of Tsuna, and gained a curious look which morphed into one of sick interest.

The other demon noticed his friend's line of vision, and smiled as well when he spotted Tsuna. Particularly at her face and body.

"Well, who's this little cutie? I don't believe we've met. I'm Valentino, owner of Porn Studios." The pimp said as he gave a lecherous smile, moving closer to Tsuna.

"A-ah, I'm Setsunayukihime, but everyone just calls me Tsuna. I'm new down here." Tsuna smiled nervously, making the male demons blush a bit because it was cute. Even the two female demons stopped their love-making and gained blushes.

"Ah, Japanese then? We rarely see one around here." Vox spoke up as he offered Tsuna some wine.

"No thanks. I have low alcohol tolerance." Tsuna politely refused then she noticed Valentino wrapping an arm around her.

"You actually have a face that could shame a cherubim, and the form of a goddess, love. If you would like, I'll offer you a job at my studio."

That caught Angel's and Tsuna's attention in a panic.

"But unlike my other employees, you'll be a forbidden flower. Something pretty to look at, but can not touch.
My Golden Angel." Valentino crooned as he reached for her chin.

But then he found himself face to face with a strange creature that roared at him, causing Valentino to fall back in surprise.

Vox and the two women too.

They looked at the new arrival. An ash brown dragon-like creature that coiled itself around Tsuna. As if it was protecting her. It also glared at Valentino in pure hatred.

'Richter.' Tsuna thought in relief as the Swing creature growled.

He just smirked.

Then he snapped his fingers as the car stopped.

"Angel, I'll let this slide this one time, because your friend put me in a good mood today." He said as the door opened allowing Angel and Tsuna to leave.

But Valentino grabbed Tsuna's arm as he took out a card.

"My offer for you is still available. And I promise in turn, you'll want for naught. Thank about it sweetheart~♡." Valentino said before leaving in the limo.

Why do these things always happen to her?!

"Who was she? Do we know her?" The feline demon asked.

"No, but she's adorable, don't you think? I wouldn't mind a threesome with her." The succubus said as she thought of Tsuna's cute face.

"What do you think Val? I don't think you'll want her to slip by so easily." Vox said as a matter of fact.

Valentino grinned even more. "When I see something I want, I'll do anything to get it."
Tsu-chan is in more trouble now.
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