𝐢𝐯. undoing or blessing

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| undoing or blessing

"I told you that girl would do something Your Grace."

Robb closed his eyes in annoyance. His head was thumping and he found it hard to concentrate on what Lord Karstark was saying.

"Your Grace." Robb fought to let out a groan but knew better to not. He let out a breath, ignoring the pain in his head.

"What is it about Julina that concerns you, Lord Karstark," Robb questioned slowly, almost like he was taking his time. Lord Karstark pointed out the window and to the yard. Robb stood up and looked outside and the person he could notice first was Julina.

She looked beautiful as she was laughing along with her handmaiden. She looked almost ethereal when she smiled, it was as though all the light was in her.

"She is going to do something Your Grace," Robb let out a growl, unable to keep himself to hold back. He turned his head, now facing the Lord and stood straighter.

"I understand you concern. But as I have told you and every other Lord, she is my concern. Anything you say will not make me change my mind about this situation."

Lord Karstark took a few steps forward, his finger pointing out the girl outside. "She will be our undoing," Robb rolled his eyes and it seemed like the Lord Karstark noticed it as he now became red in the face and bashed his hands on the wooden desk.

"She is a Lannister. She can't be trusted. Or have you forgotten what the Lannister's did to your father, or what they did to my sons!"

He felt his eye twitch, his hands now fisting up to be some clear white. He could not see any sort of remorse on Lord Karstarks face and took the last few steps between them, making them face each other.

"I will tell you once again, and never again after that. I will marry her to end this war. I will marry her to let the North have its independence. I will marry her to let my sisters come home," his voice was almost shaking with anger but tried containing it. He was now a King, not a Lord anymore. He couldn't lash out at any Lord for speaking their minds. "And you will accept this or I will have to make you wish you did."

Lord Karstark didn't say anything only staring at him with a glare before storming out.


"I though I would find you here." Robb's voice was calm and quiet as he stared at the sitting form on the grass, her back to the weirwood tree.

He had gone to ask Julina to accompany him to show her around. But she had done that fine enough it seemed. He had known from her handmaiden, Katya that she had wanted to go visit the famous goodswood.

Robb frowned when looking at her, her hair was wild and had knots in her golden hair. Her dress was a bit dirty because of laying on the grass and felt the need to ask her.

"Are you alright, My Lady?" He questioned worriedly, sitting beside her with his hands on his thighs.

Julina turned her head to him, her eyes tired. She shook her head with a small smile, gripping the small flower in her hand tighter. "It is beautiful here. I can't believe you didn't show this to me when we arrived."

Robb let out a laugh and shook his head. "You should have told me, I can't read you mind."

Julina looked back at the flower in her hand and twisted it around. "I apologize if I have been a burden to you, Your Grace. It was never in my intention."

Robb furred his brows and opened his mouth only for Julina to stop him.

"I know how the Lords and Ladies look at me. The north doesn't want me to be their Queen. I can hear them whisper and I feel like I have placed a deep mistrust to them for you."

Robb looked at her. She was so beautiful, but he had never though about how the north would think of her. He hadn't considered her feelings at all.

"I give you my word that I will speak to them-"

Julina cut him off again. "No. If I can change their minds about me, I want it to come naturally to them."

Julina was a good woman. She acted nothing like a Lannister. She was not ambitious or impolite. She was the opposite, she was kind and caring. Something he had noted was that she seemed to hold a deep fondness towards children, which Robb had taken notice off when she had given some coins to a small child in Winter Town.

She was lovely. Robb was sure he would fall in love with her in a short amount of time they spend together as he have grown deep with affection to her. He did not love her, as they only have spoken little, but was sure his affection would turn into love. He just wasn't sure if that love would be his undoing or blessing.

(warning) might be some spelling mistakes

𝐣𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐚, 𝗋.𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗋𝗄 ✓Where stories live. Discover now