𝐢𝐢. riding to winterfell

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| riding to winterfell

Julina is sprawled upon her bed inside her tent, holding a scroll in her hands. She had a troubling expression on her face, her hands felt sweaty as she read through the letter for the hundredth time.

She had gotten a letter from her father. She liked to think that her father didn't want any war, that he was a good man. But Julina knew that was not the truth. He wanted power, he wanted glory for the Lannisters. He had written that she was to steal the King's heart and betray him once they married.

She couldn't do that. She wasn't that kind of person.

Julina hated killing, she hated war. How come her father would ask her of such a thing? Then again, he would only send an assassin to finish the job.

"My lady," an airy voice questioned. Julina turned around and faced her handmaiden. She was pretty for being so young. She had brown hair and a decent figure. She wasn't the most beautiful woman she had seen but she would definitely attract most men's gaze in the camp.

Julina stood up and put the scroll safely under her mattress. She flashed a smile to Katya and gestured for her to walk inside the tent.

"The king wishes to speak to you,"

Julina held her hands in front of her, an arched brow flowing on her brow. "For whatever reason, Katya?"

Katya merely shook her head, not knowing why he wished to speak to her. She followed her to the king's tent which was fortunately close by. The men in the camp may fight for an honorable king, but that didn't make them so honorable."

She now stood in front of the king, a brief pang of concern washing over her as she studied the king. He sat on the chair, his furry cloak making him look even larger then he was without.

Julina let her eyes downcast, feeling her body shake as King Robb stood up and walked slowly towards her. His hand brushed her golden hair to her ear and tilted her head up. She had her gaze locked with his and she could notice the lust in his eyes.

"My Lady, I hope everything is to your liking for the moment. We will soon start the journey back to Winterfell," Robb said modulated, his hand now falling to his side as he took a step back.

Julina took a moment to bring herself back from the unusual affection and quietly muttered,"I would love to see Winterfell your Grace,"

She could see the surprise on his face but continued. "I have heard many things about it. When I was a child I wanted to go to see the snow,"

Robb cracked a smile, not bothering to try and hide it. He chuckled and went back to his chair and took a seat. He tilted his head to the side, an act that almost reminded Julina of Tyrion when he would do that. "Winterfell is not on the winter season. But when it is winter, I assure you, you will see the snow."

They smiled at each other shyly. Julina was never used to this much affection, the only affection she had ever gotten from males were from her brothers. Maybe she could grow fond of the Wolf King.

A small movement was heard behind her and she freezes with paralyze as she saw the large dark dog movie in front of Robb. It's eyes was glaring holes into hers, daring her to step closer to its master.

"Don't worry, Grey Wind's harmless." He had a smile on his face, his hand gesturing for her to take his outstretched hand. He stared into her eyes. "Trust me."

Julina let out a breath she didn't know she had kept and accepted the outstretched hand. He nodded at her to touch him. She stretched her hand warily, moving slowly so as not to startle him. He sniffed at her hand and tilted his head, looking at her. The wolf was standing, towering over her as he did. He was sniffing at her hand curiously and Robb took a step closer.

"I didn't think you would like to meet him when you first came here," Robb explained, watching the wolf watch her curiously. She stared, gaping at the wolf that had begun to lick her hand. She let out a giggle and let her hands brush through the dark fur of Grey Wind.

"Enjoying my wolf, I see?"

Julina let out a laugh, her hands still not leaving the fluffy feeling. "I do. He is very kid when he let me touch him."

She giggled once more when Grey Wind's wet snout came in contact with her cheek. Strangely, she was calm throughout the whole ordeal.

"He likes you." Robb announced proudly.

"And what of his owner?" She tried, a smirk on her face as she tilted her head up to Robb. She had never though she would say those word to a man before, but it came naturally.

Robb didn't look at her but at Grey Wind. He had a slight smile on the end of his lips and Julina could see the spark in his eyes. "He thinks you quite pleasant."


Julina sat ontop of a white horse. When she had requested to ride on saddle, the whole company seemed stunned. For surely the Lannister Lady would want to sit in her carriage to keep her dress to be destroyed.

On the contrary, she loved to ride horses. Whenever she was allowed outside, she would always head down the stables and grab her favorite horse. It was a black mare and a beauty. It's name was, Amethyst for her shining eyes. It was truly a wonder.

The sound of hard hoves tramping on the ground made the way to her ear. Her head twisted to find Lady Catelyn. She had mixed feelings for King Robb's mother. She could see she loved him very much, but also did notice her murderous eyes on her whenever Robb took his eyes off her.

"My Lady," Julina said with a small bow with her head, remembering to smile. Her hands tightened on the reins.

Lady Catelyn didn't turn to look at her, only continued to ride beside her. Julina was confused of how she was supposed to think of her act.

"You may marry my son and become his wife. But you are surely mistaken if you think you can take him away from me when he least expects it."

Julina frowns, her eyes furred. She didn't understand. But she didn't get to reply before Lady Catelyn had rode to her son in the front, leaving Julina with the Lannister guards.

(warning) might be some spelling mistakes

𝐣𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐚, 𝗋.𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗋𝗄 ✓Where stories live. Discover now