chapter 17

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The family go to the living room to have a movie night. However i think movie night was cancelled because as soon as they stepped into the room, two people appeared.

The two people were..........


The two people were.....Mcgongal and Dumbledore.. Bruce and Damian were hiding their shocked Emotions. Tim was mentaly trying to figure out how they came out of the fire. Jason was angry that some strangers got in his house. Dick was shocked at about how they got in but was also hiding the fact he was happy to see someone new.

Bruce was just about to ask who they were when Harry goes over to them. "Hello professor Dumbledore, Hello Professor Mcgongal" harry said, happy to see a known face.. This made the family Even more Confused. Who on earth were theses people? "Hello harry/hello my boy" Mcgongal and Dumbledore said at the same time..

"who are you two? how do you know Harry? and Why are you both here?" Bruce asked finally losing his cool. The three magical people look at the bats as Mcgongal says "why don't you all sit down and we tell you all everything, Mr wayne" All five bats nod to what Mcgongal says.nDick, Tim and jason sit on the couch/sofa. Damian and bruce sit on the two arm chairs. Harry fidgets nervously as Dumbledore and Mcgongal take turns explaining everything to the bats.

"I am professor Dumbledore. I am the headmaster of harry's boarding school"

"i am professor Mcgongal. I am one of the teaches for Harry's boarding school"

"Harry's boarding school is Called Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. As you can tell by the name, we teach young witches and wizards"

"The main classes we teach are Transfiguration (which is my class), Charms, Potions, History of Magic, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy and Herbology. Flying lessons (on broomsticks) are also compulsory."

"Harry is one of our students.. Harry has just finished his 5th year at Hogwarts"

"Harry is famous in the wizarding world. He is known as the boy who lived"

"this is because he is the first person to survive the killing curse and he was only a baby then"

"harry is part of a prophecy. He is the one who is going to defeat the dark lord and he is the only one able to kill him"

"every year harry defeats evil. this year his godfather was killed when he was fighting the dark lord"

"now any questions?"

jason raises his hand and says "yeah i have a question WHAT THE FU-"

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