chapter 16

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Zatanna nods in understandment and says "we better get back to the dinning room before the others come looking for us".. Harry nods in agreement and follows her into the dinning room.  They both sit  back down at the table.  

"what did you two talk about that was so private?" Jason said in a teasing tone. "i bet they were making out." Tim hits Jason around the head "Don't say things like that Jason!". Dick glares at Jason and damian crosses his arms angrily. However, Artemis and wally burst out laughing.. "we wasn't making out" Harry said, blushing slightly at the idea of making out with anyone.  Zatanna glares at jason "we wasn't making out. i just thought i knew harry from somewhere. turns out i Don't" Zatanna said

"Tim no hitting at the everyone please quieten down and eat the nice meal alfred made. before Artemis, wally and Zatanna have to go home" Bruce said sternly, glaring at all his sons... Everyone nods and  slowly eats their food.  Every once in a while small chat would happen, but harry toned it all out.  He was too busy thinking about what would happen if he couldn't go back to Hogwart. he would miss his friends,he wouldn't be able to save the wizarding world and he wouldn't be able to do magic again if he couldn't tell his new family.

Harry must had been lost on thought for a while because before He knew it, it was time for Zatanna, Artemis and wally to leave.  The family all say buy and watch them leave.  

The family go to the living room  to have a movie night. However i think movie night was cancelled because as soon as they stepped into the room, two people appeared.

The two people were..........

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