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Tired after the long road and about to get dark, Nimue, Squirrel and the Weeping Monk reached one of the curves of the Eden River near Pendragon. From there they could see the city that was surrounded by small strategically located Church camps.

“What are they doing so far north?” Nimue whispered.

“King Uther accepted the meeting. Are they now with the king or are they preparing to attack him?” Squirrel asked.

“They're lookouts, they won't fight. His role is to keep an eye on his enemy.”

“To King Uther? Lancelot, how do you know they are only there to watch?” Nimue asked nervously.

“They send the youngest to watch, the novices who seek the way of God. They are not skilled with the sword yet but it is better that they do not see you, your head is worth a lot and they will not hesitate to attack us” he said giving Nimue a fortive glance, “We'd better avoid them.”

“You're right, and if we want to speak to King Uther we must enter through the main gate, we cannot look for another entrance with so many camps guarding” the young woman analyzed when suddenly Squirrel raised his voice.

“There, in the cart!”

The boy pointed to a cart full of straw that was heading for the main entrance.
Stealthily, the three hid behind in the straw fluffy without anyone noticing. In a deathly silence they managed to enter Pendragon without difficulty.

Once inside they set out to find a place to spend the cold night since the meeting was not until tomorrow.

“We should avoid the inns, the faithful will probably go drinking at night” said the Weeping Monk.

“And where do you want us to spend the night?”

Suddenly, with a great jump, Squirrel cut Nimue's step, causing her to stop in her tracks.

“Don't worry, when we entered the city, I saw a small building where people went out continuously. Maybe it is expensive since there were women with very nice clothes” said Squirrel innocently wanting to help and continued, “but we should ask if they host people.”

Nimue and the monk looked at each other suspicious of that place but the boy impulsively ran there without paying attention to them.

Arriving at the place, the bustle of people, music, and girls with big necklines and sexy dresses confirmed their suspicions. It was a brothel.
The moon was beginning to rise, they had no better option where to spend the night and the discretion of a brothel was perfect if they wanted those camps not to know of their presence so they decided to enter.

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