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The ruined castle of Graymalkin invited oblivion with the old columns, the empty great hall and the abandoned and withered gardens. Nimue, Squirrel and the Weeping Monk feet were stealthily treading as they hurried through the ruins which combined the devastated landscape with the love of two lovers from the past.
After hiding it did not take long for the Red Paladins to leave.

“They left” Squirrel sighed, “I thought they would start looking under the stones” he added mockingly as they emerged from hiding before uttering the question they were both asking themselves, “Nimue, And the sword?”

The young woman hesitated for a moment and looked at the monk warily before answering.

“Merlin has it.”

“Good thing, I thought our enemies had it” the boy proclaimed without hiding his relief, “Nimue, there's something I haven't told you yet. You did it!”

“What do you mean?”

“The ships sailed and the Feys are safe.”

“I know” she answered calmly without losing sight of the monk who was looking uneasily at the ruins and continued, “we made it, but we can't relax. Even if I don't have the sword, I must go to Pendragon and talk to King Uther to convince him to unite against the Trinity so that one day the Fey can return home.”

Squirrel's eyes radiated emotion at being able to be part of a mission but before he opened his mouth Nimue anticipated.

“I know what you think, but you won't go with me. It's very dangerous.”

“I don't care about the danger, I want to accompany you.”


The young woman saw the determination in the boy's eyes and knew that when an idea entered his head it was difficult to shake it off.

“I am a knight! Gawain named me.”

“Gawain? And where is?”

Squirrel's face darkened as he looked down at the ground.

“He's dead” the monk put in when he saw that the boy didn't answer.

The young woman took a few seconds to react and held back tears when she knew that her old friend was no longer in this world. Squirrel raised his head and continued.

“Nimue with us three--”

“Wait a minute, he's not coming” she interrupted sternly.

“He saved my life, he turned his back on the Paladins and is like us.”

“What have you said? A Fey? Incredible, now I understand everything...” she commented looking at the hooded man, “you listen to them right? That's why you constantly looked around you, because you have Fey blood” she said reluctantly as she crossed her arms.

“What are they?” asked the monk.

“Festa and Moreii, the lovers of this place. Maybe they don't like you being here.”

“What are you talking about? I don't hear anything” the boy replied annoyed at not being able to continue the conversation, “no matter, Nimue listen, with his help on the way to Pendragon we won't have to worry about the Red Paladins.”

“Trust is earned Squirrel, he killed many Fey, you know that well” she said in a serious voice.

“We can handle them, think about it. With the Blood of Wolves Witch, the fearsome Weeping Monk and of course with the fast, amazing and skilled Squirrel” he appointed extolling that last part with pride causing Nimue a slight smile.

The monk was surprised to see that expression on the witch for the first time. All the stories Father Carden told the faithful about her were horrible but at that moment he couldn't see darkness in her, just a sweet smile.

“There's no place for me in church anymore” he said, “I thought I was doing the right thing, that I was following God's way... but now I know that it is not so” he added as he looked at Squirrel, “Nimue, I know that I will never be forgiven for my actions and you will probably never trust me, but at least let me amends and prevent more unnecessary deaths.”

A pause flooded the place, waiting impatiently and suspense for a decisive response from her.

“Okay. Now without the sword we will need all the help possible but if you betray us, I'll kill you, even if it's the last thing I do.”

“I would expect no less” replied the monk nodding.

Only time will tell what the path of this unusual alliance between fire and water will hold. For the moment they prepared a missive and headed cautiously to Pendragon hoping that King Uther would receive them.

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