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In the Great Hall, young Uther Pendragon seated on his oaken throne was daydreaming when he was interrupted by two castle lackeys with the three red crowns of House Pendragon embroidered on their yellow robes.

“My king” one of them said bowing his head slightly, “Carden is dead.”

“Dead?” he said without hiding his happiness, “one less problem to worry about! The Church has too much power in my kingdom and as if that weren't enough he allied itself with those pagans.”

“Since you say so... the people are beginning to be somewhat uneasy, my king.”

“Now what?! What do you mean?” Uther growled.

“There are camps with armed men from the Church surrounding all of Pendragon and people don't understand why. But that's not all, they grab food from our people's fields in the name of God without the farmers getting anything in return. They fear they will run out of food for the coming winter” said the footman sheepishly.

“The Church cannot do that. I am the king!” he trilled frowning.

A silence flooded the Great Hall before Uther angrily continued.

“A disgusting Viking wants to dethrone me, I don't have the Sword of Power, Merlin betrays me and who knows where he is and now some men of God surround my kingdom and steal from my fields. Is there anything else I could ask for?” he said wryly rising from the throne, “The last thing I need is for the mob to riot at the castle gates.”

“Majesty, due to the situation the wisest thing to do is to resolve the issue of the camps as soon as possible.”

“Well, what do I do?” Uther exclaimed with a sneer.


“Wait, I know! I have an army and I will use it to expel them from my lands.”

“My king, I don't think it's a good idea. I know that you could easily end those camps but the Church would send more men tomorrow.”

Uther faked a smile.

“I know you don't like my lord, but the best thing is not to have problems with the Church. It is not worth starting a war when we have another around the corner at the hands of a false king who wants to dethrone you.”

Uther Pendragon bit his tongue before spitting profanity from his mouth wondering what her mother would do in his place.

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