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At the huge dark wood table, King Uther Pendragon was feasting on food and drink without expecting to receive a missive from his lackey that would ruin his appetite.
Nimue required an audience with him to reach an agreement against the Trinity. Uther who was enjoying his food completely changed his face after hearing that message and with an exasperated tone he began to speak.

“Not only do we have small camps of church children surrounding and stalking Pendragon, but also that King of the Ice is cornering us right now and, to top it off, now I receive a letter from a Fey queen who wants to make a pact” sighed annoyed the king, “I can't waste time with a girl!”

“Majesty in these times of war with an enemy so close to us, I suggest you receive her and listen to her” implored the footman.

“It's a waste of time and you know it. She has no army, all the Feys left in ships.”

“But your Majesty they say that she has mystical gifts and that the church fears her.”

Shaking his head disapprovingly, Uther replied.

“Even so, one girl cannot defeat an entire army. We can't make a deal with her, it would be absurd.”

The footman slowly approached the young monarch with a vile smile.

“Who said we should make a deal with her?” he said with reticence and a shrewd look, “The trinity seeks her, desires her. We'll catch her and we will deliver it to them. In this way we will ally ourselves with the Church.”

“In exchange for them taking the side of the true king, on my side” the monarch concluded with a malicious smile.

That day two letters with the seal of the three crowns of the Pendragon House were written and sent, one with the acceptance of said audience and the other with a message towards the Trinity.

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