Chapter 20: Riddler Trial (Part 2)

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Robin shortly arrived to the place where he was suppose to meet up with Batman/Johnny. The two met in a dark alley way.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: What took you?

ROBIN: I had to suit up, remember? So what are we dealing here?


There was an hollow weak wall with a green question mark painted on it. Batman/Johnny smashes the hollow wall and behind it was a green door.

ROBIN: Uh... you know, there's a reason why we've got an Explosive Gel packed in our utility belt.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: It's better if we save it for later. Come on.

Both Batman/Johnny and Robin opened the door and went inside to the next Riddler room. The room had electrical pipes glued on the wall with two missing parts and two pressure pads on the floor for Batman/Johnny and Robin. There was also an magnet motor connected to the electrical pipes then to a question mark on the wall.

HOSTAGE: Batman, help me! Please! The floor is heating up I don't how long I've got.

The hostage was trapped inside a murder box with floor slowly starting to hear up like an oven. The projector light of Riddler then appeared.

RIDDLER: Batman, I really must say that I'm enjoying the fact you're playing along with my little game. You even brought your little Robin to help you. Now, shall we proceed to the next room?

ROBIN: Cheez, this guy has a lot of serious issues.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: Tell me about it.

The dynamic duo stepped on the pressure pads as the two missing parts of the electrical pipes appeared. Batman/Johnny fired his Remote Electrical Charge/REC gun at the magnet motor releasing an energy orb through the pipes making its way to the question mark.

Once the orb and the question mark interacted, the question mark lighted green as Batman/Johnny tosses a Batarang at the green dot making the heating element underneath the murder box stop. The hostage sighed in relief after he was saved by Batman/Johnny and Robin.

ROBIN: Well, that was easy.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: Hmm... quite too easy.

RIDDLER: Good job, Dark Knight and Boy Wonder. And now for your rewards: ROBOTS!

Out of no where, Riddlerbots appeared as the smash the wall where they were hiding.

ROBIN: Wait... ROBOTS!? I thought he was just going to send his goons down here!

The Riddlerbots are a unique type of enemy and designed and built by The Riddler in an attempt to make himself less dependent on average street thugs and criminals whom he considered inferior and useless.

The Riddlerbots are a unique type of enemy and designed and built by The Riddler in an attempt to make himself less dependent on average street thugs and criminals whom he considered inferior and useless

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