Chapter 56: The Missing Cops

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Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

Commissioner Gordon was standing on the rooftop taking a cigar with the Batsignal lighting up at the sky while waiting for Batman/Johnny and Robin to arrive.

After Batman/Johnny and Robin, Commissioner Gordon informed the dynamic duo that there are police officers that have been abducted by the militia force, which they already knew.

He also them a possible lead on where they keeping the cops hostage. Gordon gave Batman/Johnny a file that contains the location where they are. Both Batman/Johnny and Robin traveled on foot through the rooftops to investigate the location.

Later that night....
On a rooftop of an construction site, there were 12 armed militia soldiers patrolling the rooftop and set up a watchtower with sentry guns in case Batman/Johnny and Robin shows up.

The militia soldiers also had 6 police officers tied up and beaten up a little.

(police): When Batman gets here, you're all going to be sorry.

(militia #1): (*scoff) Pff.... then let him come. The Knight knows every move that the bat will make. Batman is as good as dead.

(militia #2): Why the hell does the Knight wants to keep these pigs hostage anyway? Shouldn't we hunting down more monsters instead? Does Van Helsing knows about this?

(militia #1): Van Helsing approved on this one. The Arkham Knight has this some sort of hatred against anyone who sides up with the law. He wants to kill these cops himself. Did you see what he did to those other police officers?

(militia #2): Yeah, I did. It was that time when we had to abduct those freaking monsters. I just saw the Knight how he brutally killed those police officers and snapping their necks. It scared the hell out of me.

(militia #1): Look, the point is that we've been given our orders. If we see both Batman and Robin, shoot to kill. No excuses.

(militia #2): Fine by me.

Batman/Johnny and Robin arrived at the construction site and hid within the shadows.

Batman/Johnny saw that the militia soldiers set up a watchtower with sentry guns that were being controlled by central command point and one of the militia soldiers had a device that can pinpoint Batman/Johnny and Robin's location if they used their Detective Mode.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: Robin, They set up a watchtower with sentry guns. Looks like its controlled from that central command point. We need to take that out.

ROBIN: Anything else?

BATMAN/JOHNNY: That soldier is equipped with a device that can track our Detective Mode systems. If we use it too long he'll be able to pinpoint our location and alert the others.

Batman/Johnny and Robin split up and took down every militia soldier silently one by one without using their Detective Mode.

Since everything has gone quiet for awhile, the Arkham Knight communicates with his men through their radios channel.

ARKHAM KNIGHT: Report in, all of you!

(militia #1): Rodger.

(militia #2): Copy that.

(militia #3): Right here.

They began to notice that one of their colleagues weren't responding.

(militia #5): Wait, where are the others?

ARKHAM KNIGHT: Possible man down! Go check it out!

The remaining militia soldiers quickly rushed to the area where they saw a militia soldier knocked out unconscious.

(militia #5): Dammit, the Knight is right! We've got a man down over here! Where the hell is the medic!

(militia medic): On my way!

(militia #7): Dammit! I'm not picking up a signal! The bat must've know we've been tracking him.

As the medic revived their fallen buddy, one of the militia soldiers grabbed his device trying to track down Batman/Johnny or Robin's position but wasn't receiving any signal.

ARKHAM KNIGHT: I want two teams, team one: set up explosives over at the possible vantage points, team two: find and kill the Bat!

Just like what the Arkham Knight ordered, the militia soldiers split up into two teams, throwing explosives at the vantage points above and finding their assigned targets.

Batman/Johnny and Robin were able to take down all of the militia soldiers silently one by one but only leaving the soldier with the tracking for last.

Still not knowing he was the last one standing, the militia soldier grabbed his device and the signal was getting high.

(militia): I'm picking up the signal!

The device pinpointed Batman/Johnny's exact location which made the militia soldier confused.

(militia): This doesn't make any sense.... it says he's.... right behind me?

The militia soldier turned around and was startled when Batman/Johnny was intimidatingly standing right behind him.

Batman/Johnny punched the militia soldiers two times and the third punch just knocked him out unconscious.

ROBIN: (*chuckle) And yet, you thought these idiots would've learn by now.

Robin disabled the watchtower by destroying the central command point machine by using Explosive Gel while Batman/Johnny freed the police officers.

(police): Batman!

BATMAN/JOHNNY: What happened?

(police): We had a lead about the militia's whereabouts so we tried to track it down but we didn't realize we got ambushed and dragged us all the way here.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: You're safe now. Commissioner Gordon is on its way.

(police): Thank you, Batman.

To be continued......

Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

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