Chapter 41: A Matter of Family

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Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

Author's note:- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story

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Later that night.....
Inside in Mavis and Johnny's suite, Johnny was sitting on a table with his face palmed trying to get his thoughts straight while Mavis and Martha sat beside him.

They wanted to be there for Johnny whenever he needed the most.

Dracula was talking to Commissioner Gordon over the phone about the Loughran's abduction.

DRACULA: Ok. We understand. Thank you, Commissioner. Please inform us if you found them as soon as possible.

Dracula hang up the phone and sat on the table with Martha, Mavis, and Johnny.

MARTHA: What did he say?

DRACULA: Still nothing. They haven't found Johnny's siblings and nephews yet.

Johnny broke his silenced and removed his palm from his face.

JOHNNY: I should've checked on them. If I did, maybe they would've never been kidnapped in the first place.

DRACULA: No, Johnny. It's all my fault. Van Helsing has a pure hatred against me and all of monster kind. I never thought he would target someone close to you.

JOHNNY: I don't blame for that, Drac. I just wish this would've happened to all of us.

Seeing how stressed Johnny is, Mavis gently patted his back.

MAVIS: Everything's gonna be okay, Johnny. I promise you that they're gonna find a way to your folks.

JOHNNY: I hope so, Mavy.

Martha then glanced at the table where the police records and mugshot of Joe Chill was placed. She was so furious to see the man's picture, especially on what he did to Johnny's parents.

MARTHA: I can't believe that the man who killed your parents is here in Transylvania. The nerve on that guy!

Johnny's sadness was now replaced by anger when he grabbed the mugshot of the man who killed his parents.

JOHNNY: Out of all the places he could've gone, that son of a bitch chooses here. What does he has to do with all this?

Dracula, Martha, and Mavis was caught in surprised and never thought of Johnny would use such a mild language.

MAVIS: I thought the police never identified your parents' killer.

JOHNNY: They did. He was arrested just a few days after mom and dad were murdered.... the night of my 8th birthday.

MARTHA: Oh my.... You were that young when you lost your parents?

Martha said sympathetically as he placed his hand on Johnny's shoulder in a motherly way.

DRACULA: Then we better hope that the Commissioner would also capture this man as well. It only adds too many problems.

JOHNNY: Believe me, I've also been looking forward to see his face again. I wanna ask him one question: WHY?! My parents could've given him anything. Why would he just shoot them!?

Johnny was so angry that was slowly crippling the picture out of rage. Dracula, Martha, and mostly Mavis were beginning to worry about his condition.

DRACULA: Johnny, you have to be careful on what you're thinking. You might regret it.

JOHNNY: That's why I'm not trusting myself to be around that guy.

Johnny confessed as the vampire couldn't believe what he said.

MARTHA: Mavis, your father and I should better be going now. We'll let you two be.

MAVIS: I think it's a good idea, mom. We'll let you know if something came up.

DRACULA: Goodnight, Mavis.

Dracula and Martha gave their best wishes on finding Johnny's family before leaving the room.

Johnny and Mavis were alone in their suite as Johnny was having another anxiety.

JOHNNY: (*sigh).... what am I going to do.... I already lost mom and dad.... I can't afford loosing my siblings as well....

MAVIS: Johnny, don't overstressed yourself okay. Me and Dennis are right here when you need us.

Mavis replied by kissing his forehead and hugging him. Johnny always loved Mavis's gentle kind heart for comfort whenever he's depressed so he hugged her back.

As the night goes by, Mavis and Johnny were on their bed together. Mavis was fast asleep beside Johnny, who still wide awake.

Johnny took this opportunity to sneak out of the room making his way to the Batcave.

As Johnny walked through the hotel's hallway, he heard a familiar voice calling his attention making him stop.

ALFRED: Johnathan, I hope you're not doing what I'm thinking right now.

JOHNNY: I'm not in the mood for a lecture, Alfred. I'm going to find my family.

ALFRED: I want that too but certainly not like this! Not in your condition! You might do something reckless, especially with Joe Chill on the lose!

JOHNNY: Alfred, that man killed my parents and if he's somehow connected to Brett, Kent, and Melly's kidnappings then I'm taking him down by any means necessary. Maybe the Arkham Knight and Van Helsing along the way!

ALFRED: But you are all alone on this one, Johnathan!

JOHNNY: I'm used to it....

Johnny just ignored Alfred's warning and walked away to the elevator going down to the lobby.

Alfred noticed that Johnny was slowly becoming reckless nowadays when it comes to the Arkham Knight and Van Helsing.

This was beginning to worry Alfred, especially to the fact of fighting Van Helsing.

To be continued.....

Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

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