Chapter 39: Kidnapped

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Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

Meanwhile at California.....
In the big house of the Loughrans, there were the brothers and sister (Brett, Kent, and Melly) all together in the living room minding their own business while Brett's kids (Troy, Parker, and Connor) were playing video games.

TROY: (*laugh) I win!

PARKER: Hey no fair! You cheated!

TROY: No I didn't!

PARKER: Yes you did!

MELLY: Alright, kids. That's enough fighting. You two should just have fun playing together.

PARKER: Ok. Sorry, aunt Melly.

KENT: You're aunt is right. You two shouldn't be fighting. Besides since Troy, it's mine turn to take his place.

TROY: Hey no fair, uncle Kent!

It was Kent and Parker's turn to play video games while Troy glared and crossed his arms.

CONNER: Dad, when are we going to visit uncle Johnny at the hotel? I wanna see Dennis again.

Conner then came up to his dad, Brett, to ask him a question.

MELLY: Yeah, big bro. I already miss Mavis and Johnny. We haven't seen them since Dennis 5th Birthday.

BRETT: We will, little bud. I'm not sure when yet we'll see your uncle Johnny and his family again.


The family then heard a knock coming from the door. Brett got up from the coach to see who it was.

As he opened the door, the militia soldiers quickly entered the house aiming their guns at the family.

One militia soldier used the end of his gun to smack Brett on the face as he fell to the ground.

The entire family gasped in horror.



The militia soldiers tied up the entire Loughran's arms behind their backs and ordered them to their knees.

MELLY: Brett, are these people?!

BRETT: (*grunt)... I don't know who they are...

While the militia soldiers were securing the family, the Arkham Knight enters the house along with other militia soldiers.

ARKHAM KNIGHT: Is that all of them, Sergeant?

MILITIA SERGEANT: We've searched all around the house, sir. They're the only ones here.

ARKHAM KNIGHT: Very well. Put them all inside our armored vehicle.

The militia soldiers dragged Brett, Kent, Melly, Troy, Parker, and Connor to their transport vehicles as they screamed in fear.

The Arkham Knight communicated with Van Helsing through his ear piece.

ARKHAM KNIGHT: Van Helsing, we've captured the Loughran family. We're heading back to base as we speak.

VAN HELSING: Are we still on schedule?

ARKHAM KNIGHT: Just like what we've planned, there's one more job that we need to do and we're heading back to base.

VAN HELSING: You're patience will be rewarded. Our dear friend Bane just got back with the weapons that we require. Everything is according to plan.

After the conversation between the Arkham Knight and Van Helsing, the militia sergeant informed him some news.

MILITIA SERGEANT: Sir, the Loughran family has been secured and ready for transport. We're ready to head back to HQ, sir.

ARKHAM KNIGHT: Not yet, sergeant. There's someone else we need to pick up first before we head back to Transylvania. If he's still alive, then it'll make our job much easier.

MILITIA SOLDIER: Who is it, sir?

ARKHAM KNIGHT: His name is Joe Chill.....

Before the Arkham Knight and the militia soldiers head back to base with the kidnapped Loughrans, the Knight still needs to find a man named Joe Chill.

To be continued.....

Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.
- If you guys don't know who Joe Chill is, he's a big character from the Batman universe. I suggest you google his character bio😉

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