Chapter 64: Van Helsing Attacks the Hotel

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Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

Back at the hotel lobby....
The armored knights and the gargoyle monsters worked together to fight the intruders of the hotel. Unfortunately for them, they were easily defeated by Bela and the armed militia soldiers all together.

Van Helsing walked towards to an injured gargoyle monster on the floor while holding his crossbow.

VAN HELSING: Now, I will only going to ask you this once, where.... is.... Dracula?

(gargoyle): I will never talk! Not even to you!

VAN HELSING: Pity. You could've spared your own life, but if that's what you want. Knight, will you do the honors?

ARKHAM KNIGHT: With pleasure.

Van Helsing turned his attention to the Arkham Knight, who loaded his pistol and shot a bullet on the gargoyle's head killing him. It felt so good for the Arkham Knight.

Dracula, Vlad, Lydia, Gene, Frank, Wayne, Murray, and Griffin made it to the lobby and noticed that all of the hotel staffs are knocked down and some are dead.


VAN HELSING: Ah, the little Count Dracula have decided to show up after all. Along with his other weaklings.

GENE: Hey! Who are you calling weak!

DRACULA: This has to end, Van Helsing!

VAN HELSING: I agree. Once I'm finished with you, I will wreck this dammed hotel and every monster in it with my last strength. And if that's not enough, (*chuckle) I might as well enjoy on what I will do to your wife and daughter.

Dracula snapped as his eyes turned into raging red and her fangs grew twice the size. He was angered and furious that his enemy would dare strike his family.

DRACULA: You Bastard! I'll do whatever it takes to stop you even if it kills me!

VAN HELSING: Oh, I doubt that. Bela, attack them!

BELA: I thought you never asked!

Bela and his cronies made their attacks against the monsters. The Dracula's and the Drac Pack took the opportunity to finish off Bela and the cronies once and for all. They easily took down Bela and the rest of the bat cronies while the militia soldiers just stood starting to worry that Dracula might gain the upper hand.

(militia): What the hell! They took all of them out!

The militia soldiers raised their weapons and aimed it at Dracula but the Arkham Knight forbid them to.

ARKHAM KNIGHT: Hold your fire, soldier. It'll wait.

(militia): But, sir....

ARKHAM KNIGHT: I said lower down your weapons, men. That's an order! Wait until Batman shows up.

The Dracula family and the Drac Pack defeated Bela and the rest of the bat cronies that they were all knocked down unconscious.

Quickly arriving at the lobby in their bat form, Martha and Mavis transformed back into their human form to help Dracula.

Dracula was surprised and worried to see his wife and daughter in the middle of the situation.

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