Chapter 23

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"I told you I can't dance !" Enola said.

"I didn't know you were THAT bad." Tewksbury replied, limping.

"Hey !"

"Sorry. But did you really have to step on my foot ?"

"It was an accident ! I'm sorry. But you're being a little dramatic. I'm sure it doesn't hurt that bad."

"Oh, right, I apologize." he said sarcastically, "I'm going to sit down."

"Alright, I'm coming with you."

She followed him to the little room behind the curtain. She carefully closed the curtain, but when she turned around, Tewksbury didn't look in pain like she thought he would. Instead, he was nervously standing before her, holding a red rose in his hand.

"You were right. Maybe I was being a little dramatic." 

"I knew you were faking it." Enola choked a laugh.

"No you didn't. Thanks to my unbelievable acting skills."

She smiled and rolled her eyes.

"Do you know what red roses mean ?"

Of course she knew. She didn't love flowers as much as Tewksbury but it wasn't difficult to guess what red roses meant. However, she didn't want to get her hopes up. It would be devastating and embarrassing if she was wrong.

"No, enlighten me, my lord. What do red roses mean ?" She frowned and tapped her chin, trying to look like she was really wondering.

"They symbolize love."

Enola stilled and held her breath when he handed her the flower.

"I'm not really good with words, or expressing how I feel, so this is my way of telling you that I love you and that I want to officially court you. I've loved you for a while now, Enola, I just didn't know if my feeling were reciprocated. I don't want to lose your friendship if they're not, but I just had to tell you. I've never felt this way about anyone before."

He looked so scared of what she was going to say next. Enola stared at him for a second, trying to process what she'd just heard, before a smile slowly formed of her face.

"If we are going to be courting, you'll have to cut down on the flowers. I'm running out of vases to put them in. But that's probably because I only have one.

The nervousness on Tewksbury's face was replaced with hope.

"Is that a yes ?"

She didn't bother answering before she grabbed his tailcoat and kissed him.

"I love you too." she whispered, resting her forehead over his.


I hope you enjoyed the story :) If you have any ideas of plot or anything and you want me to write another Holmesbury story, just comment ! It doesn't even have to be a Holmesbury, if you have other movies or ships on your mind don't hesitate ;)


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