Chapter 8

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Sherlock stared at her.

"I guess I will have to get used to that." he said, smiling.

She smiled back when suddenly her eyes widened.

"Please don't tell Mycroft about me."

"Trust me, Mycroft doesn't care where you are right now."

"Ouch. But why ? 3 months ago he was chasing me all over London and now nothing ? I'm relieved but also a bit offended."

"Well, you're not his ward anymore."

"I'm not ?"

"No. You're mine." 

She smiled and jumped in his brother's arms.

"Unfortunately I can't stay, I have... work to do."

"Oh. Alright."

He walked out then stopped and turn around.


"Yes ?"

"Would you say yes if I asked you to become my partner ?"

"Wh- What ?" she asked, her eyes widening.

"Would you like it if we were working on cases together ?"

"But, you always work alone."

"I know."

He winked then left. She watched him walk out then jumped in Tewksbury's arms.

"Oh my god I can't believe it !" she said, her face buried in his neck.

"I'm so happy for you." 

"I know." she laughed.  

She went suddenly quiet and winced, touching her arm.

"Are you alright ?"

"Yes, it's nothing, it just hurts a little."

He touched her arm and she winced harder.

"You have to rest."

"I'm fine don't worr-"

"No you're not. Now come on."

They were leaving when someone called them.

"William !" Lady Tewksbury said, followed by her brother in law.

The two stopped and joined them.

"Firstly, we apologize for the accident. It was our fault, we shouldn't have trusted George."

"It wasn't your fault mother ! How could you have known ?"

"And secondly, Miss Pos- Holmes, I saw that you were hurt. Since you saved our lives, as a thank you, I invite you to stay at Basilwether Hall, there's still a room for you. You could stay until you feel better." 

"Oh, um, thank you but it won't be necessary-"

"And by that," Tewksbury interrupted her, "She means that she would love to stay, wouldn't you ?"

She glared at him, he gave her puppy eyes, she sighed and nodded.

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