Chapter 2

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After she left the residence, Enola decide to go home. She was walking in the street, reading the newspaper when something caught her eyes. She ran to her apartment, put the journal down on the table and grabbed a pen and a piece of paper. A few seconds later, she could finally see the final result.

"Be careful. I'm watching your friend. G.W" She read. "G.W ? Who could that be ?"


Tewksbury walked down the stairs to join his family for dinner. He sat next with his uncle and his mother and the servants brought the dishes.

"So" his uncle started, "For your 17th birthday, your mother and I thought we could invite all the noble families of the country at a ball. You could maybe meet you future wife there". He winked at the end of the sentence and the boy just smiled awkwardly.

"Erm, yeah, uh, that would be great. But my birthday is in a week do you think it will be enough to settle all that ?"

"Of course ! Don't worry about it dear." His mother said.


The next day, Enola was still trying to figure out who G.W was. She read every single word of 4 newspapers twice. But nothing new. She was reading a fifth journal when she heard a knock at her door. 

"Hi" She said, opening the door, "What are you doing here ?"

"I came to inform you that you are invited at my birthday party next week." He said, smiling widely.

"If by party you mean a boring ball full off rich and proud people, sorry but it's not really my thing." She winced.

"Oh come on ! It's my 17th birthday you have to be here ! Without you I wouldn't even be celebra- what is all this ?" He said pointing at the stack of newspaper.

"I'm just working on a case. Yesterday I found a message in my journal. I deciphered it and... erm, well it kind of threatens you."

"Oh, okay then let's find out who wants to kill me this time. I bet on one of the servants. Or maybe one of my distant cousin."

She rolled her eyes and showed him the paper.

"Do you know any G.W. ? He must be smart, he knew I was going to find the message."

"Oh my god !"

"What ?"

"Do you think George Washington is trying to kill me ?"

She tore the paper from his hands and walked out of the room.

"If you are not going to take this seriously then do not help me. This is serious Tewksbury. Your life is in danger."

"Erm, I'm sorry. Let me help you and I promise I will take this seriously."

She looked at him with a disdainful look.

"Meet me tomorrow here at 8am."

"Understood !" he said walking out of the apartment, "And, don't forget my birthday party !"

She rolled her eyes and smiled.

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