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~2 Week and a half later~

It's been a week and a half since I last seen, touched or talked to Indigo. Truth be told I miss her a lot. I miss her soooo much, it's killing me I can't see her. Grant big bald headed ass don't let me go anywhere without someone watching ova me. This shit is ridiculous. I can't stay at Storme house by myself, whenever she leave I have to too. When she go to Grant warehouse I gotta go too. This shit makes me feel like a fucking child. He always gotta have somebody watching ova me.

Storme and Mrs. Cotton has been a good help with making me feel comfortable while being here. Storme and I have gotten a lil close. She said when she was 14 her mom packed and move to another state. When Storme got grown she moved back, she's been back for 6 months now and Indigo doesn't know she's back. I know when Indigo find out she's gonna be excited cuz from what I heard they were the very close. Now that I think about it Storme and Indigo kinda act similar. Which is why I prolly like being around her and felt comfortable with her from the start.

Today was one of my bad days. I've been very down all day cuz I miss the fuck outta my people bruhhh. I wish I can just call them so we can have a conversation about random shit. I miss our little talks and our chill sessions. Today Storme got off early cuz I wasn't feeling the best and I was ready to get back in bed. She stopped by subway, we got food and headed to her house. We made it to the house and I went into the room I've been sleeping in. I took off my day clothes and put on some more comfortable and got in bed. It was a knock on the door. I looked up and of course it was Storme.

"Can I come in??" She asked as I grabbed my subway from the bottom of the bed

"Sure..." I said getting it out the bag

She came in and sat at the edge of the bed with her food.

"You good??" She asked before biting her sandwich

I humped my shoulder while chewing my sandwich.

"What's wrong??" She asked looking at me

I humped my shoulder again.

"Come on, talk to me..." she said whining sounding like Indigo

I quickly looked up at her.

"What??" she asked with a mouth full of the sandwich making me chuckle

"You sounded just like Indigo..." I said looking down at my food

"You miss your girlfriend, huh?" She asked and I nodded my head

"I don't see how people in the army do it, cuz I ain't seen Indigo in a week and I'm having girlfriends withdraw... I said scratching my head

"Girlfriend withdraw??" She asked chuckling a lil

"I'm forreal, I miss my people so much. I miss my old life and I most definitely miss my girlfriend..." I said putting my hair in a bun cuz it was getting on my mouth

"You'll see her soon, this just some temporary shit..." she said biting into her sandwich

"How you know??" I asked looking at her

"I just do..." she said with a smirk on her face

"Storme, what did you do??" I asked looking at her

"Nothing..." she said smiling looking at her phone

"Stormeee..." I said smacking her arm

"I didn't do anything..." she said looking

I looked at her with narrow eyes for a min.

"Yeah right, let me find out..." I said making her laugh

Honestly talking to her made me feel better. Her personality is like Indigo's so that's why I like her company. Even tho she acts and lowkey sounds like Indigo she isn't her and I miss her sooo fucking much.

Storme and I talked while we ate. When we was done we decided to watch a movie. We both took showers and met back in the room I slept in. I put on funny scary movie cuz Storme isn't a fan of scary movie. Which is funny, she looked so hard but scared to watch a horror movie. We watch one full movie and half of another movie before I looked ova and seen Storme sleep. I was gone wake her up but she looked peaceful. I let her sleep and I watched the rest of the movie. After the movie I put it on Spongebob, cut the tv down and turn around to get comfortable so I could go to sleep. Storme slid closer to me so she could be under me. Even tho I just met her I was comfortable enough to cuddle with her. Shit, I missed cuddling anyways. So I let her stay under me and I just dozed off.

*Next Morning

I woke up to the smell of breakfast. My stomach really said "wake up bitch it's time to eat." I went to the bathroom , did what I needed to do, then went into the kitchen. When I made it in the kitchen Storme was done cooking, she was fixing our plates.

"Morning..." she said with her back still facing me

"How you know I came in??" I asked sitting at the island

"I felt your presence and I heard you walk in..." she said turning around

She handed me my plate, and some to drink. She sat beside me at the island, we said a lil prayer then we started eating.

"I'm sorry for being all up under you last night..." she said eating her food

"It's fine, I miss cuddling anyways..." I said

"Girl don't tell me that cuz I love to cuddle, be in your room every night cuddling with
you..." she said making me laugh

"Girl I love cuddling too. Indigo, Sanjay, Juice and Jilly are the best at cuddling..." I said smiling

"So tell me about your people..." she said looking at me

"Well you already know Indigo. Juice is my cousin and her girlfriend is Jilly. Then there's T, she's Indigo best man and her girlfriend Aja. Lastly we got Sanjay my friend and her girlfriend Joey..." I said telling about them

We continued talking about them as we ate.

"I need you to take me to my car before you go to work..." I told her as I went into the room I been sleeping in

"Okay..." she said going upstairs

I took off my clothes, took a quick shower and put on some jeans and a Tommy Hilfiger shirt with slides to match. Lately I've been wearing my natural hair and I can say I'm liking it. I ain't been wearing makeup either. I've been rocking everything natural manly because I don't have my wigs and makeup here at Storme house. After getting ready I went into the front room and waited on Storme to get done getting ready. When she was done, we left and we headed to my car. I directed her to where my car was, but when we pulled up it was gone.

"Where's your car??" She asked looking at me

"It was right here..." I said as she stopped the car

I stepped out the car and was finna call the cops until I looked down. When I looked down I seen a chain. I picked it up and it was Indigo chain. The chain I gave her last year for her birthday. So I assumed she came and got my car. I put the chain in my pocket and got back in Storme's car.

"Sooo..." she said looking at me

"Indigo got it..." I said looking at her

She nodded her head and headed to Grant's warehouse.

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