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I can't believe this shit bro. My own fucking parents, like what type of shit is that. To be honest, my feelings are for real hurt. The more I tried to calm myself down the more I just wanted to burst. My throat got hot and dry, I felt tears start to build up. Tears just started falling. I can't believe my parents are trying to hurt me.

"Indigo..." I heard a soft voice call out for me

I don't know why but that voice really calmed me down. I looked at the door and it was Mari.

"Can I come out here with you??" She asked looking at me

"Yeah, sure..." I said wiping away the tears that had escaped

"Are you okay??" She asked but then slapped her forehead
"I'm sorry, it was a dumb question..." she says looking down

"It's alright, a lot of people have trouble with emotional confrontation..." I said looking at her

It was a minute of just silence between us two. I could feel her every now and then look at me.

"Did you need something??" I asked looking at her

"Oh, Everyone is gone. T told me to let you stay here because she don't want you to go home. She said Dawn know where she live so not her house. If you need anything I'm going to be in the first room upstairs..." she says turning to walk back in the house but she stopped by the door

"Also, I'm so so sorry what's happening to you, I can't imagine how you feel but I'm here for you. If you need me no matter what time it is, I'm here. And if you need someone to talk to I'm here for that too..." she said before walking into the house

I watched her until she disappeared upstair, then a tear fell. After all I put her through she is still here for me. I caused her sooo much pain and she still has the heart to be there for me. She really is a sweet person and she has a good ass heart. All the shit I put her through any other person would've been dropped my ass but not her. She a wonderful person and she's very understanding.

After sitting outside for a hour and 30, I finally decided to head in. I got in and locked the door behind myself. I walked into the kitchen and seen a plate on the island with a note on top of it.

*This is just in case you want to eat something...
You're welcome : ), Mari

It was a sub ham sandwich, with a pickle on the side, some chips, and a drink. I grabbed the food and sat at the island and ate. After I was done I headed upstairs, I need clothes so I can take a shower cuz I'm exhausted. Her door was cracked but I ain't just wanna walk in so I knocked.

"Come in..." I heard her say softly

"Hey, do you have anything I can sleep in??" I asked standing in her doorway

"Yeah, can you hit that light switch..." she said

I hit the switch to cut the light on. She got out the bed, and bend over to get my clothes. When I tell you the yams 🍑 was out, they was out and looked hella juicy. She got my clothes and handed them to me.

"The guest room is around that curb. It's a bathroom in there. All the towels, soap and other stuff is in the closet in there..." she said telling me where everything is

"Okay..." I said before walking out her room but not before cutting her light off

I went into the room and went straight to the bathroom. I cut on the hot shower, went into the closet to get everything I needed. After that I undressed myself, put my phone on the counter. I cut it completely off earlier cuz I just needed time to myself without distractions. I hopped in the shower, it's safe to say a hot shower was well needed. She had some conditioner and shampoo that smelt hella good so I washed my hair with it. After I was fully done I cut off the shower and wrapped the towel around myself, and wrapped a silk towel around my hair. Honestly right now I prefer air drying but this is not my house, I just can't be sitting around naked so I dried off with a towel. Then I put on the clothes she gave me which was a big t- shirt and a new pair of briefs fresh outta the pack. I put my dirty clothes in the basket beside the bathroom door. I then cut the lights off and left the door crack open a lil. I got in bed and laid down. Thoughts just flooded their way into my head. There were a lot of unanswered questions, and the crazy thing is I don't even know where to go to get them answered. I was trying not to think about stuff, because I was upsetting myself. But my mind was just full of thoughts and I was so overwhelmed and hurt. Tears just welcomed themselves back to me. I'm just so fucking hurt my parents wants to hurt me. My dad don't like the fact that I'm gay but that don't mean he have to hurt me. I honestly thought my mom was cool with me being gay, Mari was the only girlfriend she done had a problem with since I've been out of school. But I don't see how that's a big enough problem for them to wanna cause me harm. As all these thoughts flooded my mind, tears flood my eyes. I just wanna be held and cuddled with.

"Indigo..." I heard Mari call me

I looked at the door wiping my eyes.

"You need company??" She asked standing at the door

"Yes..." I said softly

She came in and sat on the bed beside me. Even tho the lights is off the dim lights from the hall is shining in the room.

"You wanna talk about it??" She asked looking at me

"Honestly everything was I guess normal I couple months. Now everything is all over the place. First it was a hit and run which made me forget you. How do I not know my parents wasn't the reason why I got hit. Then I got into a relationship with someone who works for my parents. And now I'm finding out my parents wanna hurt me..." I said as tears flooded my eyes again
"It's just a lot going on and I don't know what to do or how to feel..." I said as my voice cracked

She grabbed my hand to calm me down.

"Everything going on in my life feels like a fucking dream..." I said

"Look everything will be okay. Long as you here with me no one will hurt you and I meant that. You don't have to stress yourself over this stuff. I know they are your parents, and I respect them. But fuck them. You deserve to live your life just as well as everyone else..." she said looking down at me rubbing my hand
"And I know you want to be held so come..." she said sliding under the cover and pulling me closer to her

Her body was so soft, warm, and cuddly. She put her hand in my head and started playing in my hair. I closed my eyes and memories of us laying in my bed cuddling popped up in my head. The next images was us kissing, next was her on top of me. Then I was on top and lastly her legs was open and I was between them. I opened my eyes and looked up. Her eyes was closed but she wasn't sleep. I just stared at her and admired her beauty. Her natural face is so beautiful and she's beautiful without makeup. She always has this soft, pretty face that I like. I guess she felt me staring cuz she opened her eyes she looked at me.

"What??" She asked softly still playing in my hair

"Nothing, just can't go to sleep??" I said wrapping my arm around her waist

"Well just close your eyes, clear your mind and just try..." she said looking at me and I nodded

"Goodnight..." I said closing my eyes laying on her chest

"Goodnight..." she says kissing my forehead

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