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This whole entire event I've been wanting to talk to Amari but I don't know what to say. She haven't made any effort to talk to me so I assume she doesn't want to talk to me. I mean that's understandable but I want to apologize for my actions.
Currently we are finally leaving the Photo Album place. Everyone liked the photos and we appreciated them for using us as the people whom they present to show their great work.

"I wanna go to a simple place because I don't feel like waiting..." T said

"Applebee's??" Juice asked looking around

"Not that simple of a place..." T said

"Margaritas??" Amari asked looking at T

"I like the sound of that..." T said making us laugh

"Such a fat ass..." Amari said poking T's stomach

"Okay let's get going cuz I need to take off these heels..." Amari said grabbing Juice and Jilly's arm

"Meet y'all there..." Aja said

"Okay..." Juice yelled as they ran to the car

"Did you ever talk to her??" Aja asked as her and T looked at me

"I don't think she wants to talk to me..." I said honestly

"How you know if you didn't try??" T asked looking at me but I ain't say nun cuz I didn't know
"Just try to talk to her, at least try..." T said looking at me

"I'll try..." I said

"Alright, meet you at Margaritas..." Aja said as we walked to our cars

They walked off to their car as I got into mines. I had to find a song before I pulled off. Once I found the song, I put my seatbelt on then I headed to Margaritas. Within the next 15 mins I was pulling into Margaritas finding a spot on the side. I turned off my car and hopped out. That's when I seen Amari walking towards the building by herself. I didn't know if this was the prefect time or not but I took my chances.

"AMARI!!" I called out making her turn around

She looked at me as I caught up with her.

"Hey, I want to apologize about what happened at T's house. My action wasn't acceptable and I was being a dick. Also I didn't mean to hit you or make you feel the way I did..." I said but I was nervous as fuck

At first she looked like she wanted to beat my ass but then her face softens and she gave me a small smile.

"Apology Accepted..." she said before walking away into the building

I thought she was going to say more than that but I guess she don't wanna. I started walking into the building, I looked around until I seen them, when I spotted them I went over and sat. Like 4 mins later T and Aja joined us and the waiter started taking our orders Food & Drinks because we already knew what we wanted.

After that we kind of broke into our own conversations. Juice and Jilly was caked up! Aja and Amari was having a conversation about asses and titties! T and I was trying to log into my iCloud. I've been trying to log into my old one since I got my new phone somehow I forgot the password. We was trying, trying and trying. Then T got a text, she picked her phone then picked up my phone. She started typing something in my phone, then she sat her phone down. I looked down at her phone and seen a text from Amari giving her the password to my iCloud. I was confused and curious to why she know my iCloud info and I don't. I look at Amari, she looked at me and gave me small smile then started back talking to Aja.

"Here you go..." Indigo said handing me back the phone

I started looking through it. The set up was the same, numbers where like I had them, and apps was all still there. I started looking through my photos all I seen was pictures of Amari and I. Naked pictures, sexual pictures and regular pictures of us was all in my camera roll.
Now I'm hella confused how the fuck these pictures real. I don't remember nun of this with Amari. We never been together or had a relationship. Maybe we weren't friends we just had benefits that probably explain the pictures. I need to ask her before I get a headache from all this thinking. I got up and walked up to Amari.

"Hey, can I talk to you real quick..." I said to her

She nodded slowly, got up from her seat then walked to the door. We walked out and she stood by the bench.

"Talk..." she said looking at me

"Okay, I'm confused on things..." I said being honest

"Things like??" She asked looking at me

"Okay, I read a little of your diary, book or whatever it is. You have wrote things in there that only people close to me knows. I didn't know my iCloud password but you knew it..."I said
She just looked at me.

"Tell me what's going on..." I said

"Last time something happened like this your hands ended up on me and I don't want a repeat..." she said looking at me

"Okay and I get that. I apologize for it because I wasn't thinking right and I was very upset and hella confused. I didn't mean for that to happen I did come open minded and I wanna apologize again. I just wanna know what's going on..." I said expressing what I felt

"Okay, I'll tell you but you gotta come open minded. You gotta understand, you start with that yelling and shit I'm going back in the inside..." she said looking at me to let me know she's dead ass

"Okay I'll listen..." I said nodding my head

"Promise..." she said with a pinky finger up

"Promise..." I said hooking my pinky with her

I felt a shock through my body and I looked at her and she was looking at me, so I'm guessing she felt that too. She broke our eye contact when she spoke.

"Let's sit..." she said grabbing hand

I felt another shock!! I looked at Amari and she looked at me with a small smile
we sat on the bench.

"Okay, the truth is what you want so I'm going to give it to you. So we met a year and a half ago, after the first months we became some what inseparable. 2 months after we met, you ask me to be your girlfriend and accepted it. You were not a very open person at first but I showed you that you could trust me and let me in. And you did, you shared things with me and I also shared things with you. I know a lot about you because I listened when you would talk. When you called me obsessive, I was because you were my girlfriend. But, a month and a half ago you was on your way to T's kick back and someone hit you from behind. You hit your head hard which caused swelling but it wasn't that major. After all that the doctor notice you lost some of your memory. You forgot about me, you forgot about us. If you wondering why you just hearing this, I didn't wanna just push this on you. I thought when someone loses their memory it comes back over time but I don't know..." she said not taking her eyes off me as she spoke

I didn't know what to do or what to say. I don't know how to feel. I don't know what to think. My mom didn't tell me nothing.

"My mom, she didn't—she didn't tell me anything..." I said baffled as fuck

"Your mom hates me..." she said

I kind of already knew that but hate it's strong word. I would call it strongly disliking.

"I don't know..." I said standing up

"Indigo I wouldn't lie to you...". Amari said standing up grabbing my hand looking in my eyes

I looked at her and just walked back into Margaritas sitting back in my seat. I grabbing my phone and just explored it, I felt them looking at me but I didn't feel like acknowledging it. A few minutes later Amari came back in. She sat down, her eyes looked a lil red.

"You good??" Aja asked her

"Yeah..." Amari said looking at her

"You sure??" Aja asked again

Amari nodded her head with a smile

Now I feel bad, I know she cried. Uhhhhh I just don't like the fact that I don't know what's going on, I didn't know what to go with or believe. I just don't know at this point.

Our food and drinks finally came out. We ate, talked and had a great night. I could tell Amari wasn't feeling the night like she was and truth was I wasn't either. We both was barley conversing. I hated that.
We stayed put for like 2 hours before we finally got up. We said our see y'all laters and good byes then we all went our separate ways.

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