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So late last night I got call from Juice but I didn't answer cuz my girl had just came down here and we were having US time. This morning I called her back and she told me Mari was in the hospital. I got Joey up and we rushed to the hospital. When we got there we walked in and seen Indigo at the vending machine.

"Aye Indigo..." I said her name

She turned around with a bag of m&ms in her hand. We walked up to her.

"Hey..." she said with a small smile

"Hey..." I said while Joey waved

"Where's Mari??" I asked

"She's in room 323, she sent me to get her some to drink..." she said entering money in the drink machine

Joey and I headed down the hall looking for the room.

"Here it is babe..." Joey said cuz I had walked right pass it

"Oh..." I said laughing at myself

I knocked on the door.

"Come in..." she said softly

I opened the door and she was sitting up in the bed. When she seen me a smile spread across her face.

"Heyyyy Sanjay and Joey..." she said getting off the bed and ran to me

We hugged then she hugged Joey.

"What y'all doing here??" She asked sitting back on the bed while Joey and I sat on the couch

"I had a miss call from Juice, I called her back this morning and she told me you were
here..." I said looking at her

"Oh..." she said then Indigo walked in and sat on the bed with Mari

"So, what happened??" I asked looking between her and Indigo passed her the drink

"I had a asthma attack last night and fell
out..." she said holding her hands out in front of Indigo for some m&ms

"What were you doing??" I asked

She drunk some of her drink.

"It's a long story that I don't wanna talk about right now, but I'll tell you some other
time..." she said looking at me

I nodded my head letting her know I understood her.

"So, Joey when you get here??" Mari asked Joey

"I got here yesterday around 6..." Joey said

"How you liking it so far??" She asked as Indigo handed her more m&ms

"It's alright but babe suppose to take me exploring today..." Joey said wrapping her arm around my arm

"You're going to love it, it's a lil crowd but you'll love it..." Mari told her with a smile

There was a knock at the door.

"Come in..." Mari said

The door opened T, Juice, Aja and Jilly came in with candy, a bear and balloons.

"Awwww..." Mari said getting out the bed running to them

She hugged all them and kissed their cheeks.

"Thank ya.... Thank ya.... Thank ya!!" she said taking the bear, candy and balloons

"Wassup Sanjay..." Juice said as they all came and sat on the long couch

"Wassup..." I said back

"Is this your girl??" T asked looking at me

"Yeah this Joey, Joey this is T, Aja, Juice, Jilly, Indigo and of course Mari..." I said properly introducing them

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