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It's been 2 hours since Mari has been gone. It's weird cuz she hasn't called or texted me. I been calling her phone like crazy and she ain't been answering. I decided to call her phone again  but this time her phone went straight to voicemail. That's weird.
Aja prolly have talked to her so I called T.

"Yooo.." T said answering the phone

"Wassup Man..." I said

" Shit nothing..." she said

"Aye ask Aja have she talked to Mari..." I said putting my phone on speaker

She started talking to Aja.

"She said she haven't talked to her today..." T said as I texted Mari but the message wouldn't  send

"Wassup??" T asked

"It's weird that she's been gone for 2 hours without calling me. Then I called her and it went straight to voicemail then the messages aren't going through..." I said frustrated asf

"Call Juice and ask her, maybe she know where she's at..." T said looking at me through the camera

"Alright I'll call you back..." I said hanging up with her and calling Juice

"Yellow..." Juice said answering on the 3rd ring

"Wassup..." I said

"Nothing much, wassup..." she said

"I was calling to see have you talked to Mari today??" I asked getting off the couch

"I haven't talked to her since early this morning..." she said

"Liyah you talked to Mari??" she asked Aaliyah
I'm confused

"I called but she didn't answer..." I heard

Aaliyah say in the background.

"Mari told me she was gone to drop Aaliyah off at the airport..." I said in the phone

"Liyah don't leave until Sunday..." Juice said

"That's what I thought, but she told me her mom wanted her home early..." I said going upstairs to Mari's room

"Let me see if I can find out where she's at, I'll call you back..." I told Juice before hanging up

I tried calling again but I got no answer & the text was still not sending. Maybe her phone went dead or something. I decided to just wait around for her. I ordered some food from DoorDash and waited for them for like 15 minutes. The delivery girl came to the door, gave me my food, I paid then I sat in the front and ate my food. I was really worried about Mari, she was on my mind heavy.
I decided to wait around a lil more. So I took a shower and waited around a lil more. After like 30 minutes later I got a call from Juice.

"Hello..." I said putting the phone on speaker

"Have you heard from her yet??" Juice asked

"Nope, I was finna call and ask the same thing..." I said to her

"Aaliyah looked her up on Find My IPhone and it told us the last place she was at. Do you wanna go see??" She asked

"Yeah, I'll be ova there in a few..." I said getting up, going upstairs to slip on a shirt and some shoes

I grabbed my car keys, locked the door and headed to Juice house. It took me all of 15 minutes to get there. When I got there they were already in the car waiting on me. I parked my car and got in with them. It took us like 20 minutes to get to where she was last located. When we got there we seen her car but she wasn't in it. It was parked and it was cold meaning it hasn't been on or moved in a while. I had a key to her car so I opened the door and seen a note on the driver seat.

      Hey Papa, if you seeing this letter it mean you are looking for me. I just wanna say I'm doing this for your safety, cuz I'll go crazy if something happens to you. I'm very sorry for lying but it was the only way to get away. Truth is I'm going to be away for a while. I really don't know how long but it's gone be a while. I know your prolly confused or you prolly know what is going on but I'm fine. I'm going to be away for a while, but I promise I will talk to you soon. I don't know how soon but It'll be soon. Don't go out and get in trouble lookin for me cuz I'm fine. Just remember I love you and I will always love you no matter what. I'll be thinking about you as much as you'll be thinking about me. I miss you already. Let everybody know I miss them and love them.
                                       ~Little one 💋

I was lowkey confused. Why would she leave and not tell me. I was frustrated, confused, sad and mad all at the same time. I turned around with a confused look on my face and handed the note to Aaliyah. Juice, Jilly and her read it with the same confused looks.

"The fuck..." Juice said looking up at me

"Exactly, like how can she just disappear without letting nobody know..." Aaliyah said still looking at the paper

"Since this is the last place she was located, this means whoever she was with had her cut her phone completely off right here..." Jilly said making me nodded my head

We sat there for a minute tryna think of some, shit. I had a feeling my parents was behind this but I didn't know for sure. I can tell Juice had a feeling too cuz she started contacting Bella. I was so ova this shit my parents got going. Especially my bitch ass sperm donor.

"Bruhh wat the fuck you do to your parents to make them do shit like this??" Juice asked looking at me

"When my sperm donor and I was on good term he had this woman who he really liked. She didn't really like him, she liked me. Well she was in love with me. She left him and thought she was gone be with me. He ended up killing her and making my life a living hell..." I said looking at her

"All this ova a bitch..." Jilly said shaking her head

"Ova a bitch..." I said chuckling a lil cuz this shit is crazy

"But my mom I don't know what's her deal..." I said leaning against Mari's car

After all that we finally left. I drove Mari's car to the house cuz I didn't want anything to happen to it. I was gone go get my car from Juice house tomar. I went in Mari's house, went upstairs and got in the bed. I was really angry cuz my parents are ruining it for me fr. Mari is the best thing that has happen to me and they are taking her away. Every since that woman left Grant for me he has had this stupid ass grudge towards me. I don't know why cuz I didn't do anything with the bitch, she was just obsessed with me. He has been ruining my love life but I'll die and go to hell before I let him take Mari from me and I meant that.

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