Chapter 32

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"Here you go, Mistress"

Cheyenne sent the smirking Sebastian a glare and flipped him off "Go fuck a vase, bitch" He silently chuckled at her threat, more like suggestion, and sat the dress down on her bed. Cheyenne shook her head and held up a hand "Wait a minute, what's this?"

Sebastian looked at the dress and then to her "The dress the Young Lord has asked you to wear" She laughed and lift the dress up. It didnt even look like something a prostitute would wear but hey, he tried. Cheyenne sat the dress down and chuckled "I got it. Ima make some changes" He did put a few things that she could use. Stockings and straps.

Sebastian narrowed his eyes and slowly turned, closing the door in his leave. Cheyenne shook her head and thought for a moment, walking back and forth in her room "If I was a whore, what's the best way to get to you? What would you dress in.."

She turned to the dress as an idea popped up "Well, looky there"


Ciel tapped his foot on the ground as he, Xander, and Sebastian stood at the front doors. He scoffed and looked to the stairs "Where is that girl" Sebastian sighed "Patience, Master. Y'know how woman are"

"Were like what?"

They looked back to see a crossed arm Cheyenne with furrowed brows "Finish what you were gonna say. I dare you" Ciel looked back and forth, the stairs and up "H-How...How did you get down here!?" Cheyenne looked to the blunette, thrusting a thumb the Butler's way "I'm tired of this bitch and this sorry ass act of respect" Xander tilted his head "But, how did you get down here?" Cheyenne smiled "I walked" The three sweatdropped at her words. That's when the men looked down.

Ciel furrowed his brows at the sight of the brown cloak "What's this? I bought you a dress, where is it?" Cheyenne tilted her head and grabbed the opening of the cloak "What? Do you wanna see?"

Ciel's face shifted from annoyance to surprise to blushing like a red damn tomato. He jumped back and covered his eyes "W-What the hell is wrong with you!?"

"I dont know, my Lord, I think it's quite fitting"

Cheyenne happily smiled "See? If the perv agrees, then, I must be doin' something right" Ciel shook his head as he covered Xander's eyes. He then look back over to her and turned his head once again "Please...Cover your breast" She laughed and let the cloak go back on accordingly. Cheyenne crossed her arms "I decided to make an outfit of my own. It has my bra and unspeakable underwear, the stocking and the straps to it, and a pair of heels just to feel slutty" She then smirked "This way, I will not only be perfectly chosen but, they will have less things to grab off, making it a win-win for everyone"

Sebastian chuckled at her, catching her attention. He saw her looking and lift a brow with a smug smirk "And you say you've never had experience.." She paused for a moment and narrowed her eyes "I will chuck this heel up your ass, Michaelis" Cheyenne rolled her eyes and turned to the door, the cloak flapping behind her "Come the hell on!"


Cheyenne's heels clacked on the stone floor as she walked in the alley. A small noise came from her pocket, making her pick up the object and listen in "Yo? Whatcha need?"

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