Chapter 90

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I fiddled with Claude's fingers as I layed on my back. His arm was over me so I decided to play with his hand. Pass the boredom and all. I had forgot my Phone back with at Ciel's so I had no way to use it. I turned on my back and sighed. Claude was sleeping right now, who knows when he'll get up. Then again, I didn't think he would've fallen asleep to be honest. The Sun wasn't poking in at all but, I could tell it was Morning. It was early too.

After all that, I fell asleep.

I had asked where Sebastian was and if Xander was ok..What was happening. But, I don't think he liked that.


I stared at Claude back as he sat his tailcoat down. He looked back at me from the corner of his eye. I froze up, he looked so intimidating. What happened to him?

"Are you planning something?"

Well....I could-

"Don't ever mention that name in my presence"

I stared at him and then looked down. In all truth I was tired of this shit but, I'm the one that probably started all this

No, I'm thinking too high of myself

It sucks, I'm not gonna lie. I'm trapped in this craziness. Fuck, bro...

I cant even be serious about this! What the hell!

"You're awake"

I looked over as Claude's arms grew tighter and slipped from my hands. I felt him sit his head farther near my head before.....

Was he sniffing it?

Claude leaned closer into me, I could tell he wasn't showing any emotion but if he was, maybe he'd be smiling? Maybe "I've missed this. The days when we would cuddle up and sleep. I remember when you forced me to sleep once since I refused to"

I layed there with a blank face yet, I did smile. On the inside. Petty, yeah?

I sat up and looked down to the Butler. He stared at me for a moment till he sat up as well. He was worried, I knew he was "Is there something wrong?"

I mean, yeah, yeah there is-

I shook my head "No, it's fine. I, uh..." He sat a hand on my arm and looked me in the eyes. Claude meant business, didn't he "Are you sure?...." He looked to my cheeks, his face falling some. He then looked back to my eyes "You were crying weren't you?"

I blinked owlishly before smiling "What? No! Me, I--" He cupped my cheek and rubbed it "It's alright if you had done so, Butterfly. I know I upset you"

Claude stared at me and just for a split second, I swear I could see regret in his eyes

I, in return, got up and moved myself to sit in front of him in the bed. This always helped him..

I crawled forward and wrapped my arms around his body, getting in his lap. This is a dangerous move to pull, this might fuel whatever emotion he has towards me but maybe, it might help his senses

I could feel him go stiff a bit. I sat my head in the crook of his neck and rubbed circles on his back "What's gotten into you, Claude..." Claude sat there before wrapping his hands around me as well "...I'm not sure...Its as if my mind was controlled by an unearthly being"

He sounds broken. What happened while I was away. I can't keep them out of my sight, can I. Ah, wait, he must be going crazy then. That or-

I looked at his head "Yandere..."

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