Chapter 25

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Cheyenne groaned and looked back "What do you need, Demon Bitch?"

Sebastian chuckled and walked over, standing next to her. You think she wanted to invite his ass to sit down?

Yeah, alright...

"What fuels you, Miss Gilmore?"

The brown skinned girl narrowed her eyes "...What?" She jumped at the feeling of hot breath near her ear "You heard me. What fuels you?" Cheyenne scooted away from her left "None of your business, end of story. The fuck..." A dark chuckle came from her right "I must say, the way you try to run from desire is tempting"

The girl looked back at him with a disgusted expression, looking him up and down in a judgmental manner "Sir, either you think you're the shit or somethin' is wrong with you. I said this shit before, I dont even like you, bro. And after what you did to my babies," She stood and glared up at him, grabbing her Phone and earbuds in the process "Do you really think I like your ass after that? I didn't like you from the beginning. What makes you think I like your ass now?" Enough with his shit, she walked out the door and let the Music try and drive her stress away.

Since she's a broke bitch, she had to use YouTube for music. She got Pandora but aint nobody got time to sit there and have to go back to your playlist when your session expires. Cheyenne went down the stairs and observed the eerie halls, slightly creepied out. It wasn't too bad but something about it just made her feel uncomfortable.

A presence was felt on her right, making her roll her eyes as he walked along with her in the hall. She sighed, knowing that he wouldn't go away "I might like keeping you around, something entertaining and amusing to use" She shook her head at his smirk "Is it normal for you to get angry?" Sebastian sat a digit to his chin as he glanced down at her. Cheyenne shook her head "Nah, not really. My family, yeah. But, I would say I'm a bit more calm than them. Y'know, Sebs," He hummed in question.

"If you stopped hoein' around. This. Right here...Is how you can get information out of someone" She pointed to the two of them "Just like this.." He scoffed and faced forwad "You're a bit more open than I imagined, but, that's not a problem" Cheyenne hummed, slightly ignoring what he said.

"Sebs. Since you asked me somethin', I'll ask you somethin'"

Sebastian lift a brow in annoyance "What is it?" Cheyenne looked up at him "I wonder if you'll like Chris Brown" Sebastian looked down at her as they switched halls "John Brown?" She shook her head and chose a new song "Nope. He's a dude from my time that makes good ass music. Here, listen" She forced him down and placed the earbuds inside his ears, they were bluetooth connected. And no, not airpods. She's too broke to get them anyway. She got the Walmart earbuds. Sebastian took on of the earbuds out, looking them over "What is this?" Cheyenne checked over her Phone, glancing at him to see what he was talking about "They're earbuds. It's like, if you want to listen to something in private with no one else hearing, then these will help" She tapped a few things, soon showing him her screen.

"This song is called 'The Take'. It's a remix but it's really good. I think you might like it" She pressed play and let him listen. His calm face switched to one of confusion and a little bit of discomfort "This...Rhythm is odd.." She chuckled at his response, catching his attention "We prefer to call that 'beat'. Listen to the lyrics too"

After listening for a while, Sebastian tilted his head "What does 'bump and grind' mean?"

"Oh my Go--"


Cheyenne slept in her bed as the curtains blocked the sunlight. After her walk with Sebastian, she decided to go to sleep and snore her life away.

However, a certain Butler snuck into her room.

"Get that device. I have a feeling we can use it for not only our benefit but against her"

That's right. Good ol Phantomhive had ordered him to get the Phone. Sebastian crept his hand under her pillow. He slowly slid it up to feel even the slightest of her Phone. He stopped as his tips hit the case and soon he extended it far enough to get it.

The girl turned a bit, rolling to her right side, facing her back to Sebastian. He pillow felt lumpy, that's weird. Cheyenne's eyes suddenly went wide at the extra weight under her head. She grabbed their arm and let out a war cry, plucking her intruder's eyes. Sebastian quickly ducked his his head and looked back to Cheyenne  as she went for her pillow "YO, WHAT THE FUCK!" She smacked him with it and watched as he fell down, blocking his head with one arm.

She brought it back down but he tightly gripped her wrist and pushed her down to the bed. Cheyenne grit her teeth and tried to kick him off. Sebastian glared down at her and gripped her wrist tighter "Why wont you just be obideant and listen. It seemed to work last night, we we're getting along fine" The brown skinned chick shook her head and tried clawing at his hand "Dumbass, I may be nice to people but that doesnt mean were good" Sebastian looked to the uncovered Phone and reached for it but Cheyenne tired pushing his arm away.


The two looked up to see a disturbed Ciel standing at the doorway. He shook his head and sighed "I need you both in my Office. End your..." He looked at the two once more "'Fun'.." Cheyenne glared at him and pushed Sebastian's chest away "We didn't do shit! And you, get the hell off me!"

Instead, Sebastian lift her up and carried, or dragged, her down to Ciel's Office with the irritated blunette.

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