Chapter 60

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Cheyenne tilted her head "Will! How did you know?" William let her sit the present down as he brought his Scythe back in place "Not only have I been keeping track of you, I asked your Brother for your Birth dates. Well, that and I saw you writing about it in your little device"

Cheyenne 'oh'd' before smiling "Will, you ain't have to get me somethin'. A simple 'Happy Birthday' is fine"

"Your Brother had claimed that you might say that"

Cheyenne huffed as she stared at the Present "I hate bein' spoiled.." William shook his head "You aren't being spoiled. I am simply giving you something for getting closer to death" Cheyenne sweatdropped "And that's what it's all about..." She looked down to Xander before smiling at him as he yawned "Aww, how cute. William, look.." She shifted closer to him and showed him the tiny Baby as he smiled "He has your eyes.."

William watched the Baby, seeing him just smile and move around as his yellow-green eyes showed nothing but joy. William brought his had up, two of his fingers gently brushing Xander's cheek.

"Oh my, is the Dark Prince smiling?"

William look down to Cheyenne before straightening himself out. Cheyenne laughed at him and then went over to the crib, laying Xander down "Go to sleep, Baby. Night night" She kissed his forehead, smiling as she watched him close his eyes and begin to rest.

She turned to William and grasped his hand "What now, Miss Gilmore? I would rather be farther away than be anywhere near you" Cheyenne closed the door and smirked "What? A little Birthday Sex wouldn't be so bad" William's eyes went wide "M-Miss Gilmore!"

She opened another door and dragged him inside "Oh, c'mon now. I wont do anything too extreme"


The girl waved to the dazed Reaper as his collar was disheveled on his body. He glared at her, trying to rub away the lipstick that sat all over his face and soon left through the trees

Cheyenne laughed at him, rubbing the lipstick off her lips "He's so crazy.."

'I couldnt fuck Will'

She fixed her clothes a bit "Told him he was a Perv. But, he didnt believe me"

'At least, not yet...'

Cheyenne shook her head "Un-Freaking-Acceptable. I cant bro..."

Landon crossed his arms "C'mon now.."

The girl stood across from her Bother in her room, a pillow extended towards him. Landon took a step and Cheyenne held the pillow higher "Ay! AY! Back up!" Landon laughed at her and then pointed behind her "What's that? Is it that Finny dude?" Cheyenne stared at him, slowly turning her head back to see what he was talking about.

She quickly looked back and then ran off as he chased after her "Ah! No! I have my rights, I have my rights!" The door to her room opened just when Landon had got her "What is going on in here!"

Ciel and Sebastian stared as Landon began 'hitting' his Sister while she laughed "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, n--No! Staph! Get off, hahaha!" Ciel squinted his eye "What are you two doing?"

Cheyenne soon nudged him off once he got to the last number. She looked to the other two "It's my Birthday!"

Ciel lift a brow "Already?" Cheyenne nodded "Yup! I'm a whole nineteen years old..." She then sat on the floor "I'm gettin' old..." Ciel flattened his lips before he looked down as well, reflecting on her words. A pat was made on Cheyenne's shoudler, making her look up to see Sebastian with a smile "Happy Birthday, Mistress" Her eyes went wide at his teasing look. She knew what he was refuring to.

Before Landon could ask anything, Cheyenne thanked the Butler and then crossed her arms "Hm...I cant.." She looked to Ciel as he lift a brow "I wanna celebrate with Trancy"

The Earl and his Butler froze at her words, glancing at each other and then narrowing their eyes "No. I refu---Please, C? It just doesnt feel right without hi---I said no.."

She stared at him as he grit his teeth "You will learn to enjoy your time here. As well as listening to what I say, when I say it.." He turned around to leave the room but Landon had butt in "Ay! Dont yell at my Sister like that!" Ciel glared back at Landon and soon left the room

"Lock her in here. She isnt allowed to leave. Bring him with us"

Cheyenne's eyes went wide as Sebastian grabbed Landon's arm and dragged him away "Wait...No, stop! Landon!" Landon tried to forced Sebastian to let him go but Sebastian pulled him out and into the hall. Before he could lock the door, he caught a glimpse of Cheyenne's face. She looked desperate and sad. She had a dread and confused look, she didn't want this to happen. She just wanted...

Sebastian smirked at her expression, making her heart drop


He licked his lips

"You look delicious with that face.."

She tried grabbing the door knob back as he began to close it

"Do keep it while you're in here, yes?"

But, knowing Sebastian, he had already locked the door. Cheyenne slid down on the ground, her head pressed against the door as Landon's yells were heard from outside. Xander wasn't with her either and that just fueled her anxiety. Why did he do that? Why did they do that? She thought they were Friends, she thothought everything was fine between them.

Cheyenne curled up at the door, not shedding a single tear for they weren't needed. Not like she could cry on a regular anyway.

And so, she sat there. Letting her thoughts drag her away


It had been a few minutes, she had checked her Phone regualrly. She wanted to get out but they had cut down the Tree months ago. All the Servants must know of what's happening by now anyway...

She froze as something being unlocked was heard. She looked to the door but she didnt think anyone was there. Another knock was made once more, making her try and search for the source only to smile once she saw the surprise at the window


She ran over and hastily opened it, letting him step in. He cleared his throat "My Lady, I ha--" He paused as she hugged him, making sure it was as tight as possible. Claude stood there as stiff as a board yet was confused on the whole ordeal.

Why was she locked in here?

He glanced to the door and then back to her "My Lady..." He watched as she looked up to him, dejection shown in her eyes as clear as day. He pat her head

"Would you like me to take you away?"

Psssshbh A Bitch Can Dream (BB X Modern!OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon