Chapter 58

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The sound of something rolling was heard down the hall, three bodies were on the little trolley as they rolled down the hall




I suppose you already know whose on this thing

That's right! Cheyenne, Gerald, and Jack! She had gotten Ciel to let them in!

Cheyenne happily hugged the two boys before she turned to the blunette next to her "Thank you, C!" Ciel stared at her face before turning his head and going to the carriage. Cheyenne waved to the Woman responsible for the Children before she walked them over to the carriage.

First thing she saw when she opened the door was Ciel. He seemed to be focused on something. Cheyenne let the two boys get in, Gerald looking around in wonder while Jack sat down. Cheyenne sat down next to Ciel, giving him a hug "Thank you, I can't stop saying it! I'm really excited!"

She lift a brow as he turned his head, his lips going to her ear

"Come to my Office at seven exactly"

Cheyenne watched as he pulled back "Call it...Your version of saying thank you"

Cheyenne looked over to the window, seeing that the Moon hasn't popped up yet. So, she kept going down with the two. But, she froze for a second as a blonde Reaper stepepd infornt of her "Doll!"

Cheyenne's eyes went wide "AHHH!" She quickly tried swerving the trolley but it had tilted to far. She nudged Jack off and grabbed Gerald's shirt, throwing herself off as the three rolled on the ground. Ronald yelped and moved away before the trolley could hit him.

He looked back to Cheyenne, seeing her checking over the two boys. Jack stood, dusting himself off "How reckless can you be? Mindless Woman" Cheyenne let the Anime tears trickle down "I should've never let you listen to my Playlist on Pandora!"

Ronald stepped over to them "Huh. Who are these two?" Jack soon scoffed and glared at the Male "Us? Who are you?" Gerald was placed down by Cheyenne as she went over to Ronald, hitting his arm. Ronald winced and grabbed it "Doll! Ow.." Cheyenne crossed her arms "Bro! We were having fun!"

Ronald smirked "Well, you can have fun with me" Gerald tilted his head while Jack shook his head in disgust. Cheyenne went over to them, covering their ears to her best ability "Ron! The Kids!"

"The? As in, 'Our'?"

Cheyenne blinked rapidly before standing and looking down to the boys "What should we do next?" Jack huffed "Eat.." Gerald threw his arms up "Let's make a Cake!" Cheyenne nodded "Eat...Cake. Ight, makes sense. Ron? You in?" Ronald looked around before placing a hand on his chest "Me?"

Cheyenne lift a brow "Nah, the table next to you" The Reaper grumbled and then nodded, making sure Gerald didn't touch his Scythe "Yeah, sure. Besides,"

He smirked

"I make the best Cakes!"


"Ron, that's Laundry Detergent....Not Flour.."

Ronald sweatdropped as he stood there, staring at the Egg mixed Laundry Detergent. Cheyenne pat his back "Go ahead.." He lift up the bowl, soon going over to a sink and rinsing it off. Cheyenne lift a hand to stop him "Wash it too" He groaned "Fine.."

Cheyenne then looked to the two boys as they had their sleeves rolled up "Ok! Time to bake!" Gerald threw his arms upward with a smile while Jack have her a thumbs up. Cheyenne looked to the oven "Ok, I got Bard to help me heat it up and all we need to focus on is the actual cooking portion. So, once Ronald's done with his cleaning duty, we will get started"

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