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About a week ago Hitomu having decided to make money made a few designs as well as some models of the things he wanted to introduce to a seller. By coincidence during the time he was screening the entire capital in search of a decent seller he happened to come across a person and helped him a bit. The person then wanted to pay him back and things happened which led to Hitomu selling his goods to this person.
He needed money now that the Black knights were forced to leave its nest.
It just came as a shock that the identity of the person who he had helped was rather a bir surprising.

The childhood friend of the infamous official, Eustin. Jack.

He was once mentioned in the book but his name was not known. The fact that the world building of the book had developed so deeply accounted to the fact that this world was real just like earth.

Right now Hitomu was sitting across Jack and another surprising person was also seated with them.
Alfru was busy examining the box that seemed like a puzzle to him. It was enclosed with codes from the outside, like a maze.

Sigh....why are there so many rows......

His numbers were just a step away from the lock, almost near to unlocking it but at the crucial moment he failed to accomodate the last number.
Sigh. How does it open? He was really curious. He sceretly peeked at the owner of the box only to find the owner staring back at him.
Hitomu was taken back for a bit. Subconsciously his lips curled up behind the mask.
This third male was really just a child. Alfru was just a teenager, his eyes, innocent eyes filled with curiosity, nothing less and nothing more.
Even in the original novel he was a child when it came to emotions so he only realized he was a bit interested in the protagonist at the end of the story, never getting a chance to step up his role as a love interest.

Hitomu took the box from him. He set it in the middle of the table then demonstrated them how to unlock the box. He steered the numbers at a normal pace, as he filled the numbers the rows crossed paths with each other until the surrounding numbers near the lock perfectly displayed a specific password of six numbers, 000000. Then he steered the second column and filled it with another six identical numbers. He then injected a bit of his magic into the key hole.
The box opened.
And inside it were some strange materials.
"These are the things I want to sell to you. Have a look." He said turning to Jack.

Jack gulped. He stretched his hands and began examining them. There were tools, weapons, jeweleries and many other applicant designs. Detailed with descriptions alongside images. One of them was the design of the box. It was so well drawn with details that Jack immediately got the gest of it. Even the necessary materials and ingredients needed for each good was given. His eyes went wide with surprise.
" adoring guest bussiness is going to bloom ahhh! Thank you so much. I will immediately try wait...I will pay you wait..ah I will become so rich. Money money money! No wait. My guest thank you for entrusting your designs to me...." Jack even stuttered more than once, finding difficulty in speaking.

Alfru gaped at the contents of the box. He then lifted his sight back on Hitomu. His eyes wavering if he should ask for his name or not.

Hitomu smiled at Jack's silly reaction, who was handing a big sum to him with a smug smile on his face. It looked like this trustworthy guy loved money.

"I will come back to collect half of the amount next month." He spoke as he stood up.

"My adoring most special guest, special of the most specials, you are welcomed to visit this humble one any time you want. Please come back again." Jack had the smug smile plastered on his face like a mask.

THE VILLAIN'S LOVE GROWS FOR HIM.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt