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"Are you all right your...hi......" Two people wearing white clothes came rushing behind him.

Dusting his light blue robe he let out an elegant smile while keeping his eyes on the body near his feet. He cut them off.
"Of course i am alright. Tsk. No need to panic so much. This one here is invincible. A mere ant like him is no danger to me."

The two young man stared at him with their mouths falling open. The man before them had no weapon on him so how did he manage to kill someone without one? And not to mention, the dead man on the ground was...they gasped as they restrained their own thoughts.

"Your highness, what should we do with that um....." One of them was a bit reluctant to even speak straightforwardly, his mouth stuttering at the end of his sentence.
He flicked his long hair as he turned around ready to walk away. Even with his eyes closed the two people in white clothes could feel the pressure his presence emitted.

"When are we departing?"

"Tomorrow evening, your highness."

"We will leave tonight."

"But your highness what abou...."

"Tonight. Back to Moon Empire." His eyes slanted back at them.


"Ah!! Also, put him in a boat and drift him into the ocean. Don't leave any trace behind. And yes, make sure his body is discovered."

If not then there is no fun.....

"Yes, your highness." The two bowed their heads in respect.

While the man with a beautiful face walked away. His elegant smile rose even higher.

A good harvest! Never thought i would come across one in this so called Lana empire. Fufu.....Satino, huh! Let's wait and see how you are going to entertain this old one........


Hitomu had a very pleased expression on his face. As he felt the cold and fresh spring water run against his skin he ducked his head under the water to feel its freshness. It was as if all the stress on his body and mind was melting away. Infact he was taking his whole time soaking in the little spring pond. When it came to bathing he was very picky and careful.
A calm atmosphere without any disturbance while relaxing in a bath tub was his favourite. Not to mention a spring pond was even better.
Because this was one of the usual spots where the knights would frequently take baths, he avoided getting in with them at the same time.

Sharing his leisure time, specially when it came to bathing was something he never liked.
And so here he was taking a long bath late at night, relaxing and easing each and every muscle of his body.


His eyes suddenly flung open looking at a certain direction. He narrowed his brows at a man's silhouette approaching the pond. His body unconsciously raised its guard at the approaching figure.
Although his face was as calm as  dead sea, the little fluctuation in his pupils did not escape the approaching man's eyes.
As the figure stepped out of the shadows the bright moonlight fell on him, emanating his gorgeous blue eyes and his flowing blue strands of silky hair.

This man was Zarad.

He wore a single piece of thin white cloth, revealing his sturdy chest and his manly collarbone.
With one look Hitomu could tell he was here for a bath.

But why now? Why did he had to? Exactly right now?

"Greetings to master." He greeted so nonchalantly, hiding his inner thoughts, such that Zarad was momentarily surprised, his pupils widening a little.
But he recovered very fast. He stared at the lean and tiny yet overwhelming figure before him, who was bowing his head in respect.

"Raise your head." Without waiting for him to reply he peeled off the white cloth off his body and entered the pond.
So when Hitomu raised his head he was greeted by an image where the eccentric antagonist was bathing across him, with his arms spread open as he rested them on the ground at the edge of the pond. The moonlight highlighted his handsome profile. If any woman were to see him like this they would be drooling over him with madness. Too bad the other person had to be someone like Hitomu. Also he was a man.

He had an expressionless face, his eyes holding no interest in checking out that manly body in open display before him.

"Do you usually take bath this late at night?"

The latter was surprised but it did not show on his face as he replied nonchalantly. "Yes, i do."

"However..." He spoke as he grabbed the cloth laid behind him on the dry ground. "This subordinate does not dare disturb master's bath. So, please excuse me."

Sharing his bath place and time was not his style.

Zarad watched him with keen eyes, studying his every move, observing him swing his cloth around his body as he stood up ready to leave. The scarred collarbone of this frail boy was soon covered by black clothing. He suddenly frowned his eyebrows.
As soon as Hitomu was half way through exiting the pond he felt a strong hand against his left leg. Without looking back he tried to pry away the hand by twisting his own leg but then he felt another hand grabbing his right leg and before he could counter back friction won against him. His brown orbs widened being caught off guard.

Splash! The sound was of displaced water rang in the silent cold night.
But the two people in the pond were busy with something else.

Raising his knee against the other man, Hitomu sent a blow aiming at the upper part of the naked stomach. It hit the target right on spot but before the impact of his attack could take shape Zarad narrowly dodged it. However during this small action he was able to twist his one leg free off the other man's strong grip. As soon as his right leg was freed he kicked it aiming at the opponent's waist. Zarad's eyes were flashing with excitement. He intercepted his attack catching it again with his empty hand.

He smirked thinking to himself.

I like those fierce yet calm eyes.....

He starred at Hitomu's body. His skin had burn marks covering almost all part of his body, from his left thigh to his knees to his collarbone, extending up to the left side of his face.
Infact he had no intention of doing any of this but before be could realize his hands had already moved on their own. So he felt no need to stop since what was done was done.
His blue eyes narrowed. Burn marks?

While his mind had a momentary slip for a second, before he could react the two legs under his hands slipped out and within mere seconds his body was tossed upwards, then he was jerked back down with an overwhelming force against the edge of the pond that he felt a tingling sensation against his bare body.
This kind of excitement, he was feeling for the first time in his entire life.
Despite the discomfort in his body, ignoring the pain, his blue eyes looked up at the glaring face of the young boy on top of him.
When his own blue eyes were finally met by his brown orbs, he felt even more excited.

Hitomu glared at the person subdued underneath him. His eyes glinted with a mixture of wariness and intent to kill. This man....a mere bathing time turned into something so much unexpected, out of his imagination, although he had no what so ever prejudices, he was very irritated at the moment.
About things he liked, did not bother with and disliked, he was very clear with and he laid clear boundaries to distinguish amongst the three. So he was very clear about what had just unfolded.
Skinship was something he disliked. Specially naked skinship.
No one, literally no one could have this kind of bare skinship with him, specaily not without his consent. In his old life, never ever had he ever had someone touch him in this manner. He was always someone out of reach for most of the people. So being exposed bare in front of some other person was very irritating for him. Not to mention he was grabbed and dragged down by his legs.

"What do you think you are doing?"
He said in a cold voice.

"What do i think you are doing?" The latter asked him back wearing a plain expression, his eyes smirking unlike his expressionless face.

THE VILLAIN'S LOVE GROWS FOR HIM.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz