Chp. 11

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"You were so cute!" She laughed as she pinched my cheeks.

"So I am not cute now?" I folded my arms.

"You're more than that, you're gorgeous, ethereal, and have a good heart."

She smiled and kissed me on the lips. Rai seemed to be touchy lately, but I don't mostly care.

"Someone's having sore eyes," Ben said.

We asked him what was that all about then he pointed to the sad Sabine sitting alone.

"She didn't find one at the tavern?" I mouthed to Ben.

He shook his head.

"What shall we do about her?"

"Do you think Marge will join the other team if she and Sabine will meet?" I asked Rai.

"Hmm, I never thought of that but we can make that happen."

We were all enjoying the silent environment around us until an out-of-breath Nico came into our view.

"Nikole! You're unbelievable!"

We all looked at him with a confused face.

"The people are talking about what you did at kingdom Onyx! That stunt you pulled off with Rai!"

We're all speechless, especially me.

"People here are talking about me?"

"Yes! You even made it to the daily paper! Look!"

He threw me the piece of paper.

Nikole for the Reign?
People of Onyx said yes.

"Oh my god, Janna and Marly would be furious about this." I snickered.

"Congratulations!" Nico hugged me.

"Told you," Rai said.

"Tomorrow's the coronation right?" Ben asked.

"Oh yeah, it's tomorrow." I became frozen in my place.

"I'm sure you'll do great tomorrow love. We'll be there for you." Rai's arms made their way to my waist.

"Anyway, I sneaked into Father's office. I saw this."

Nico passed me the old book.

"I think it's an album," Rai said.

I opened it and it seems like watching the old me living her own life to the fullest.

"That's you!" Rai pointed at the picture where the little version of me is smiling happily.

"I have a cute smile," I said while touching the old photo.

We flipped on the other page. That's when I noticed that most of the pictures there are not just about me.

"This girl seemed to be very close to me, she's always with me! Look."

When I looked at Rai, her eyes are getting teary again.

"That's me." She smiled while pointing at her picture.

"Oh shit, really? You look so different from here."

"I changed my hair color."

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