Chp. 7

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I and Rai went back to the kingdom Pembleton. Although her back still hurts, she managed to walk us inside the castle. The guards were worried sick about her condition, but she just shook them all off and ordered them to mind their own business.

"Are you sure you're fine?" I asked.

"Yes, I am very fine, thanks." She smiled and entered her room.

I walked back to my room, smiling like an idiot. 

I can't believe that I actually nailed the stunt I did earlier with Rai. It's indeed surprising and very confident of me.

"Hey you, how's the date?"

"What date Ben?" I innocently smiled at him.

"Oh come on, you know what I mean." He did that gesture with his hands.

"Long story short, I pointed a knife on her while she's at the laying at the ground, spitting blood." 

"YOU DID WHAT?!" He's actually shouting in front of my face.

"Ew." I wiped off his dirty saliva on my face.

"Seriously? You did that? Damn you're still alive." He sighed in comfort and hugged me tightly.

"There's nothing wrong with her during the whole trip. She's composed and calm, but excuse her smart remarks about everything." I laughed as I remember her embarrassing me about the rulers of the kingdom Onyx. 

I guess I was too busy daydreaming because Ben snapped his fingers in front of my face several times.

"Wake up. What I am saying is that Rainatta can be lethal sometimes, she's always cautious about everything around her. I can't believe that you even managed to make her spit her own blood."

"Hallelujah to me then." I emptied the glass of the water.

After some minutes of us catching up, Ben brought out the question that I've been meaning to tell the answer to him.

"About what you said about my sister earlier, she knows everything about you. How is that possible?" 

If the question mark is a living individual, that would be his face right now.

"Thank you for bringing that question, Ben."

I cleared my throat and revealed my real identity.

Here goes nothing.


"You're a princess?!"

"No! At least not yet. I guess."

"Why are you saying this to me just now?" He suspiciously glared at me.

"No, don't even think like what your sister thought of me in the first place."

He motioned me to continue my story.

"I didn't know that a big storm will pour that night, all I knew is that I need to get out of our kingdom. I hate seeing my sisters boast about what they did to earn the people's trust for the reign." 

"Or maybe it's just about the fact that I hate our system about sovereignty." I sighed.

"I get what you said. Our country just ends up being in a cycle with no one willing to change it for the better." He rested his face on his palms, sighing in frustration.

"I think you shall be the one to change that, along with Rai."

"I also think that it shall be you and your brother Nico too." He smiled when he mentioned my brother.

"You got the hots for him don't you?" I playfully pushed him.

"I don't know, I didn't even meet him yet." He sadly said.

"Soon Ben, soon."

"I'll look forward to that."

As if the Lord answered our prayer, there was that familiar knock on the window.

"Speaking of, he's actually here."

Ben stood up from the bed and hastily fixed his hair and clothes.

"How do I look?"

"Much decent, now let's meet your prince charming." I grinned.

"Nikole! Open your windows!"

When I opened the window, Nico went inside the room, drenching in his own clothes.

"There's rain outside?" 

"Yes, how can't you notice that?"

I shrugged and sat on the bed.

"Oh, the boy's too shy. Nico meets the one I was talking about. Prince Benedict."

"Your highness." He bowed.

"Why, uh, are you bowing? You're a prince too!"

They both laughed in unison, take note that they even share the same hyena laugh.

"Nico, why don't you come to my chambers for a new set of dry clothes?"

"Are you sure that I won't end up being imprisoned?" Nico folded his arms.

"Y-yeah, I am sure. Let's go."

They both left my room, leaving me with this soft bed.

"Finally alone," I said out loud while stretching.

"Not really." 

"Jesus, don't you know how to knock too? I swear to god you and Ben are just the same!" I smacked my forehead.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that you're very... jumpy." She sat down on my bed, looking at the paintings around the room.

"There's a missing one, where's that floral painting?" She asked.

"How did you know that it's floral?" I sat down beside her.

"I was the one who arranged this room." She nonchalantly said.

"About that painting, Ben took it because his paintings are depressing." 

We both looked at the spot where the painting was formerly hanged.

"Anyway, how's your back?" I asked.

She just smiled and didn't answer me back.

"I was asking how's your-"

"Sorry, I'm more than fine now. I just blanked out for a minute."

I returned her signature challenging smile.

"And what's that?"

"It's actually about what happened earlier. I was speechless, you were standing there, proving yourself to the crowd that you're the one who deserves the crown. I'm proud of you."

"Thank you." I blushed.

She tucked my loose hair to the back and caressed both sides of my face.

"I shall be the one to say thank you."


"Because you came back to me, my little Jeanne."

She rested her forehead against mine, smiling so gracefully.

I can't seem to comprehend the last word she said, hopefully, I'll find that out someday.

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