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"A la nanita nana nanita ella, nanita ella. Mi niño tiene sueño, bendito sea, bendito sea. A la nanita nana nanita ella, nanita ella. Mi niño tiene sueño, bendito sea, bendito sea. Fuentecita que corre, Clara y sonora. Ruiseñor que en la selva, Cantando y llora. Calla mientras la cuna, se balancea. A la nanita nana, Nanita ella."

Clytia was standing a few feet away from Nolam. He was laying on the couch with baby Keelan on his chest while he was singing to him. Benji was clearly asleep. The baby bottle was empty beside them. Benji was on the other side of the couch, his head on Nolam's legs.

Clytia smiled at the sight. It wasn't the first time she found them like this. It was actually a routine. But she could never get tired of it. Nolam would always wake up during the night and take care of the baby. She would wake up everyday to them cradling either in the bedroom or the living room, Benji never far. And she loved it. "I thought that song was for girls." She said getting closer.

Nolam smiled at her. "Kiss!" He raised his head, his lips puckered towards her. She kissed him. "I said niño not niña!" He added as a response to her question. She simply nodded.

Benji jumped off the couch and ran to her, his tail wagging. She played with him, scratching his head and belly. "Do you want me to take ..."

Nolam knew what she was about to ask. He didn't let her finish. "No, it is okay. I'll just keep him here a little."

"I can almost hear your mom say that we are spoiling him! He should learn to sleep in his own bed!"

"I know. But he is our little miracle. Why can't we spoil him a little? And it's not like we do that all the time!" He rolled his eyes, making Clytia smile at him.

Clytia loved how caring and helpful he was. From the moment they left the hospital, he made sure to help her with the baby. He would always wake up at night, refusing to let her leave the bedroom, and take care of baby Keelan. She was really thankful for him.

The first weeks were not easy. With both of their families around, everyone wanted to be involved. Sometimes, it could be annoying. But Nolam made sure to rein them in when he felt like it was getting too much for her. He was her knight in shining armor and a wonderful dad. Daddy Nolam was probably one of her favorite versions of Nolam.

Keelan stirred in his sleep, making them both look at him. He was smiling, his small finger gripping his dad's shirt. Clytia took a picture of them. Adorable! Her phone was full of moments just like this one. This picture would probably be her new screensaver.

Nolam's gaze met hers after a while. "Another picture?"

"Bite me!" She replied, playful.

"That's exactly how we ended up with this one Cly! Are you ready for another one? Not that I would mind." He replied with a smirk, making her laugh softly. "Kiss?" He asked with the same tone. "I know you want it! Come give daddy a kiss!" He finished with a grin.

"You wish!" She replied laughing before kissing him.


Four years later

Clytia felt a trail of kisses all other her face. She refused to smile. It would give out that she was awake. The kisses kept raining on her face. After a while, it stopped. Then she felt a hand caressing her face.

"Are you asleep?"


Few kisses fell on her nose, her cheeks, her forehead, then her eyelids. "Open your eyes. I know you're awake mom." She laughed softly. She opened her eyes to the beautiful green ones of her son.

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