Chapter 57

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Clytia' entire demeanor changed. She looked struck with horror, her eyes wide and teary. To say that she was shocked would have been an understatement. The word "Divorce" kept ringing in her mind. She felt the fingers of Janice on her face as the woman forced her to look back at her.

"It doesn't mean that it is the end Cly. I know you love my son. Fight to win him back. Don't give up."

"I... I" The poor girl was lost. Now more than ever. Was there really anything to fight for at that point? She wasn't sure.

"Mom? Have you..."

That voice! Clytia's eyes grew wider when she heard HIM. Nolam! Slowly she turned around and looked at him. He seemed surprised to see her there. But it quickly turn to a rictus of disgust.

"What is she doing here Mom?"

Clytia felt her heart break a little more. The man standing in front of her was full of anger and hatred. He was fuming. "Nolam." She whispered to herself, but he had heard her.

"Don't you dare!" He growled as his eyes met hers for a second before going back to his mother.

"I want her gone!"

"This is my house Nolam. She is my guest."

"If she is not gone in five minutes, I'll be the one leaving. And I won't be back." He said before walking away, leaving both women stunned.

Clytia stood up. She wanted to run after him and beg. Beg for forgiveness. Beg for him to take her back. Beg for another chance. But she was frozen. She had never felt so helpless. The look in his eyes... Her stomach was tied in knots and she could feel cramps in her lower abdomen. She was terrified. She was lost.

"I should leave. Thank you for everything."


"It's okay. I'll just call a taxi."

"No. Let me drive you back. That's the least I can do."


"Sweetie, I don't feel comfortable leaving you here alone."

Clytia gave a sad smile to Janice. They were at her place and Janice didn't want to leave. Clytia couldn't gather the strength to send her away. However, at the moment, she wanted nothing more than to be by herself.

"I am fine Janice. I am just tired. You don't have to worry." She tried to reassure her.

"I don't know Cly. I don't think you should be alone now. I don't feel like it. You are not taking good care of yourself at the moment. Is there anyone..."

"Janice. Stop. I'm good, okay! Right now I just want to go to bed and sleep."

"Fine. You can go. I'll just be here and cook so can have food when you wake up."

"You really don't..."

"You need to stop arguing with me young lady."

Clytia looked exhausted. Janice had noticed the dark circles under her eyes, her glossy eyes and her shaky hands. Clytia seemed to be in pain. Janice kept wondering when was the last time she had a good night of sleep.

The little exchange with Nolam earlier had taken a toll on her. At the moment, she looked like she was on the verge of a break down. Janice would never forgive herself if anything bad happened.

She looked at her daughter-in-law who seemed to be looking for an excuse. But she finally sighed and stood up. "I guess you're right. Thank you Janice. I'll be in my room if you need anything."

Janice smiled as she looked at Clytia's frail body walking away. Suddenly, her smile turned upside down as Clytia collapsed, her head hitting the corner of the table before touching the floor.

Sorry for the short update. 😔

Love you guys and thank you  for reading this story, for the comments and the votes. 😘😘😘😘

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