Chapter 73

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Clytia was resting in bed, her eyes fixed on the TV. She was tired. Yet, she didn't want to sleep. The room was filled with Nolam, her family, her in-laws and some of her friends. It was too crowded. Too many people talking. But she couldn't bring herself to ask them to leave. She wasn't paying attention to what they were saying, nor to the TV. She was lost in her own thoughts, still dazed by the last fifty three hours.

Everything felt surreal. She had been pregnant without even realizing it. She still had issues wrapping her head around the idea. During the whole time she never had morning sickness, cravings, nor a bump. She didn't have any signs of pregnancy at all. She was just amazed and shocked. Everyone around her seemed to have accepted what happened so easily. But she was still adjusting.

At the moment she was ready to go home from the hospital after extremely tough few days. She barely had any sleep. She was tired of all the tests they had to go through. She just wanted her baby.

She turned her head to look at Nolam who was sitting by her side. His lips were pinched while he was glaring at his brother. The others in the room were laughing, clearly at him. She touched his hand. "Hey! What's wrong?" She asked.

He grabbed her hand and kissed it. "Just my idiot brother making fun of me."

"What!" Chris started, still laughing. "It is not my fault. I can't help it. How come you passed out after your wife gave birth! She was the one in pain not you!" He finished, bringing the room into another round of laugh.

"Chris is not wrong man. That is hilarious." Carl added.

Nolam rolled his eyes. Clytia gently pressed his hand and smiled at him. "Ignored them." She said, laughing softly.

She gave birth a few minutes after arriving at the hospital. Things went pretty fast. However, it had been the longest and hardest minutes of her life. The pain started to fade away the moment the nurse gave her the baby. A boy. He was so small. Looked so fragile. She had smiled, with her face full of tears and had looked up at Nolam: "Look! Our baby boy!" Nolam's face was also full of tears. He looked pale. His lips were opened, but nothing was coming out of them. Few seconds later, he fainted, making the nurses run to him, while another one was taking the baby from Clytia.

Nolam looked at his wife while she was laughing softly at him with the others in the room. She looked tired, with dark circles around her eyes. He was amazed by her strength. He knew that she was tired. From the moment she had given birth to their child, she barely slept for more than three hours at a time.

She was worried. They all were. The baby had to go through a battery of tests. From breathing and heart rate monitor, blood tests, echocardiogram, fluid input and output, eyes exam, to ultrasound scan. Thankfully, the baby was perfectly fine. Clytia and the baby received the approval from the doctor to be released from the hospital later in the day.

Nolam leaned towards her and whispered in her ear. "Do you want me to ask them to leave? I know you're tired and they won't stop bothering us."

"Are you worried about me? Or you want to get rid of them because they won't stop making fun of you?" She replied, her voice low so only him could hear her.

"Well, would it be bad if I said both!" He replied, making her chuckle.

She gave him a peck on his lips.

"Ew! Guys get a room!" They heard from the other side of the room.

"We are in a room Carl!" Clytia rolled her eyes. Nolam was right. They all needed to leave and give them some space. Their whole family had been on their back the moment Clytia left the house in the ambulance. With how they were behaving, it was pretty evident that they would crowd their house for a few days at least, just to be around the baby.

Clytia and Nolam were thankful for them. Because both of their families had gone out of themselves. They had already arranged a nursery for them at their house and filled it with everything and anything: Lotions and body care, robes, chapsticks, slippers, nursing pads, pillow for breastfeeding, heating pads, vests, hats, mittens, bootees, clothes, bibs, wipes, etc.

From what Nolam had told her, they wouldn't have to buy anything for the baby for several months. Their family went literally crazy. Clytia was more than happy to hear that her dad was the head of the whole "Baby Winter Operation" as they called it. She wished she could have been able to see the whole thing. From what her mother told her, it was definitely entertaining.

"Okay guys. Thank you for being such a strong support system. We really appreciate it. But I think it's time for everyone to go back home. Clytia needs to rest."

"Okay son! We'll see you when you get back home in the evening with our grandson."

Clytia couldn't hide the surprise when she heard her dad talk. It wasn't the first time since she gave birth that he used the term son to talk to Nolam. He seemed to have warmed up a lot to Nolam. And for that she was grateful.

They all agreed and left after bidding them farewell.

"Finally some peace!" Nolam breathed out once they were alone. "Are you okay honey?"

"Yeah. I am. Thank you."

"Good! Maybe you should sleep a little. I'll be there when you wake up."

"Okay." She responded.

The moment she closed her eyes, they heard the door of the room being pushed opened. Clytia opened her eyes and smiled. "Hey mommy! There is someone here who woke up and wanted to see you." It was the nurse bringing their baby.

Clytia took the baby into her arms and looked up at Nolam. "Well, looks like I won't be sleeping anytime soon."

She took her breast out and pushed it to the lips of the baby. "Hey baby." She cooed as he grabbed her boob with his tiny hands and started sucking with his eyes closed, making her wince a little. For such a tiny, little human being, he really was strong. Which was a good thing.

He was a miracle. Their miracle. A wonderful surprise.

She looked up and noticed that Nolam was staring at them, his eyes shining with pride and happiness. Her eyes went back to her little miracle.

"Any idea?"

"Idea? What are you talking about?" He asked, confused.


"Oh! Uh! Maybe we could give him the first names of our respective fathers."

She shook her head. "Oh no! Not happening. I love my dad. And yours is great but no."

"Okay! Josh Junior! JJ!"

Clytia rolled her eyes. "I think he deserves his own name."

Nolam started throwing names out. "James? Kilian? Sam? Dean? Robyn? Keelan?"

"I like Keelan." She interrupted him. She looked back at their child and tried. "Keelan." She smiled. "What do you think of Lyam Keelan?" She asked.

Nolam looked at them. A week ago, he would have laughed if someone had told him that he would be a father in the coming days. This was not even something that would have crossed his mind. And there he was, with the woman he loved, his wife, and their child.

He had never been so happy in his life.

Nolam walked to Clytia. He kneeled beside the bed with his elbows on it, and his hands caressing her thighs. He couldn't keep his eyes off this marvelous spectacle. "Welcome to the family Lyam Keelan Winter. Mommy and daddy love you." He said with a smile.

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