Chapter 2

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"Josh, you have to leave Vegas ASAP"

"Morning to you too Daisy. I had a great night, thank you. How are you?" he said sarcastically while putting a card on the table game.

"Josh, not today. You screwed up big this time." She answered without any trace of humor.

Daisy wasn't the kind of person to play with her job. That he knew. But he was slightly tipsy and was in a happy mood. He has been winning the game for the last four rounds and this phone call was annoying. He was on holiday for the first time since 3 years for God' sake!

"What? I have been very discreet with girls" he said playfully; "I did nothing illegal, no journalist, nothing. Just a good boy."

"Very discreet indeed. One of my contacts came to me with a picture of you in a chapel."

"I don't see what the problem is?"

"Someone sold this picture to trash magazines, showing you kissing an unknown woman after getting married to her."

"I never pinned you the funny type Daisy. Why are you interrupting my holidays?"

"This is not a joke. The picture will be published tonight. I'm sending you a plane. Be at the airport in two hours."

"Daisy it can't be me. I would have known if I had done something that stupid."

"Well, with as much respect as I can have for you as my boss, you can do pretty stupid stuff."


"I'm on damage control mode. Check your mails."

Josh went through his mails to see what she had sent. It really was him. "Fuck" he taught putting the phone back to his ear.

"Great! You're not even trying to deny."

"I don't remember doing that." He recognized, troubled. "How bad is it? Did you ask the lawyer to do the necessary? It can be canceled quickly, right?"

"Good to know you're suddenly interested. Bring the girl with you."

"I can't."

"Josh she has to be there. So we can make her sign whatever needs to be signed and I can do my job."

"I can't"

"She is your... I can't believe I'm saying it out loud", she whispered to herself annoyed. "She is your wife whoever, she is. We need her to make sure she doesn't sell the story or go rogue on you."

"You don't get it! I don't know who she is or where she is! I know nothing about her."

"You lost her! It was just yesterday. I'm pretty sure she left you her contact before leaving, no?"

He abandoned the party and went to the bathroom to talk without the presence of his friends.

"I have little recollection of the night. I was so drunk! I just know Carl's girlfriend brought a girl to our table yesterday because she wanted to have a threesome. The girl wasn't interested; we hit up, starting dancing and having fun. The sex was great. When I woke up this morning, she was still in my bed. The time to shower, she had already left my room. I don't know her."

He heard her breathe deeply through the phone. Daisy was more than his PR, she was a friend. She was always calm and in control. Almost nothing could make her lose her temper. He knew she could work her magic.

"Do you remember her name at least?"

"Clara, Carla, something like that."

"Not like it's a rare name! Fine! I'll see what we can do."

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